Consequences, whether good or bad, are strong motivating factors. Incentives and rewards, or simply the absence of pain, are consequences of completing an activity, and thus are motivating factors. However, I will acquiesce and state that my definition of discipline and your definition of discipline may not be the same thing.
Whenever I think of discipline, it is in the form of either military discipline, or a monks pursuit of an ascetic way of living. In the military discipline is there to ensure that soldiers follow orders, lest they suffer consequences and so that when they are under-fire or being shelled, they keep their cool, and remember their training and focus on the task at hand; as if they don't they or the ones around them are going to get hurt or die; thus they use fear as a motivating factor to stay focused... fear of the consequences if they don't. Or with monks, they must live by a strict code of conduct, and will deprieve themselves of things in life, to attain other things, generally spiritual in nature. If they don't deprieve themselves, then they will not get the reward they are seeking, and thus must have discipline to continue to deprieve themselves of things so that they get where they desire to go.
Someone who wants to be someone better than they are currently, has set goals, with incentives to start them and rewards for completing them. Those are motivating factors. I do understand, I think, what you are trying to get at. I am someone who wants to be better than I am, both as a person and as a programmer, and have goals to achieve those things.
Ahh, but that analogy you have there has a hidden negative fear that you failed to mention. Why do you have to go to a gym to stay healthy? Is it fear that compels you to join a gym because you feel that if you don't join a gym, you won't be successful? There are plenty of people who have the ability to keep themselves fit, without ever entering a gym. So I'd still argue that that person is using fear as a motivating factor to visit a gym to stay healthy, rather than one to not join one and remain healthy on their own terms. I bring this up because our society tells us that only those who go to gyms, stay in shape, and thus there is a fear that if we aren't part of a gym, then we cannot meet our health goals.
However as an aside, the desire to be healthy can be the motivating factor and the thing that keeps you remaining at it, to stay on top of ones health.
Also, if you haven't noticed I like to debate and argue a lot. Its one of the ways I find most effective at learning as it allows me to view a problem from multiple angles, by encouraging / inciting responses to make me think differently. ... Even if I don't necessarily want to think differently

Truer words have not been spoken. Well said. ("knowing how you function")
Also good point. Not an easy one to stomach mind you, but a good point. I'm working on it.
Heh, concern trolls. I like it. Sounds like an appropriate title.
True, true.
Depends on the dream and depends on the path to the dream. The path to my dream, is likely to long and hard, which is what I'm basing it off of.
Yep. I like to lead, guide, encourage, and empower others, and hate to be around leaders that are terrible at it. I suppose I do have control issues, but I can't see an easy or simple way to solve that. Some people are workers, some people are leaders and some are innovators; what career path works for some, doesn't work for all. Perhaps true my small number of terrible jobs are not indicative of the whole, but, there is no guarantee I'll find a good job, even if I earnestly look for one, whereas there is a higher guarantee that I can make my own ideal job, by making games. Yes it is an assumption, but the way the world is going these days, its more likely I'll have a more ideal working experience, being an entrepreneur than not.
Depression and joblessness may be related, but I do not feel jobless; I may not be making money, but I do feel "employed", doing something worthwhile, and feel like I'm accomplishing things in life. In order to take on a paid job, I'd have to sacrifice my current "jobs" that are currently satisfying me both mentally, emotionally and physically to "potentially" get something better and get paid. Now THAT sounds risky; I have sufficient funds right now to handle my needs, by living frugally, so I don't necessarily NEED a paid job at this time, anyway. So why should I sacrifice what makes me happy, for something that may give the same level of happiness and fulfillment?
If I got paid for a game sold, that would be a good indication that I'm doing the right thing, right? So, perhaps we should shelve the decision to look for paid work, until after we determine if GoG will stock CoC.
Actually, I find the opposite to be true. When I was working a paid job, I felt completely unmotivated to do anything after work. True, I was being harassed in the workplace, and my supervisor has a personal vendetta against me and made my life a living hell, so that might have something to do about it. Actually, most paid jobs I've had, involved workplace harassment, and ruthless supervisors... might be why I don't want to get a paid job... hmmmmmmmm...
I found school to actually be extremely draining, as I'm not a social creature at heart, and being forced in an environment where you are forced into terrible team roles, having pure theory forced down ones throat, and having teachers drone on in a monotone, I actually found school extremely exhausting.
Similarly, social activities with friends are emotionally draining as well; I still do them as they help to retain my sanity levels, but I generally feel about as drained after an hour long conversation, as I do after creatively coding for 4 hours straight.
There is this personality quiz I took =
https://www.16personalities.com/ and it overall gave me the "Logician", although I would sometimes also fit into "Commander" and "Architect", depending on the situation. I bring it up, as the Logician is great with being alone and working on things, but socialization of any kind is extremely grueling and exhausting. Take the quiz for yourself and see what it comes up with; its quite uncanny of determining what ones personality is like.
Excuse yes, but still valid. Fear, and Risk, in taking action, particularly when the current situation is ideal, and the potential of good jobs, outweighs the higher probability that I'll not get a good job and end up miserable. If there was a way to prove that a given job opportunity was better than the current situation, I might very well take it, but you can't guarantee that. I don't like taking gambles on things that affects my emotional wellbeing, unless I'm absolutely forced into the situation. I know that I have various neuroses, that likely wouldn't be desired by employers and there are neuroses with employers that I highly doubt I will be able to cope with... unless I have no other choice in the matter. Currently I do have a choice.
How do I know it to be correct? Observing others, observing my own industry, personal life experiences, personal neuroses/demons, long years of introspection, long years of terrible forced team cooperation with tons of inherent backstabbing, observing politics and trends in human behaviour, the fact that I'm an introvert and not an extrovert, the fact that whenever I was the team leader we succeeded and destroyed all competition, but when I was just part of the team, bickering, infighting, backstabbing, and politics eventually resulted in everyone eating the bullet, and the fact I'm happy and satisfied with my current situation. Yes, my observations do not imply everything will be the same, but generalizations are a very useful tool for risk mitigation and overall fulfillment in life. And yes, I will also agree that my observations may be flawed, and covered in confirmation bias.
Be careful of absolutes yourself. You are assuming that I can only be happy and successful by getting a paid job, and are refusing to consider that I might be able to achieve my goals and career plans without getting a paid job. I have found that over the past 30 years of my life that when I am the leader, things operate smoothly and everyone wins and when I'm not the leader, things crash and burn, and I often get blamed for it, despite pulling my own weight. I don't think I can cope with the stress because I'm tired of being harassed in the workplace and attacked by zealous supervisors with unrealistic expectations. All of my paid jobs, had these issues. I could cope with the stress before, because I didn't have all the much on my plate; I have a lot of things on my mind and a lot of concerns as well. In general, I do not cope with stress too well, and will bottle it up and explode violently later. When I'm under heavy workplace stress, I do not function well and this leads to further attacks and harassment, which further derails me. I have no interest in being part of a workplace where I feel I'm under threat while there and under threat if I leave the place, due to stress related issues. Its a no win situation. Whereas, my current situation, I have enough funds to handle things at the moment, and I feel fulfilled by doing volunteer work and engaged with coding (even if the coding issues are huge and annoying right now) and thus I see no reason to torture myself in going looking for work.
Perhaps, perhaps.
Very true.
What needs to be challenged?
1. People do have limited creative energy. Fact.
2. Jobs demand the best of your best, lest they fire or demote you. Fact.
3. Game developers that take on full-time jobs, while still trying to develop, always slow development down to a crawl. Fact.
4. Menial labor jobs are tasks the lizard brain (medulla oblongata / brain stem) loves as they are repetition based and requires no creative energy. Fact.
5. Creating video games take an enormous amount of creativity to do, and creativity comes most naturally when you are not stressed and feel emotionally stable. Fact.
What have I missed, in my assumptions or fact-checking?
I'd reply to leeor, but this post already has taken about an hour and a half to write and I need a break.