First off, I apologize for the lack of communication from my end. Life has been hectic lately, so I haven't had much time to focus on everything I'd have liked to.
I had to take NTCS offline due to it getting slammed by a massive spam-bot attack a while ago and I'm still working on scrubbing the forums. Due to my more limited time these days, NTCS will likely come back in a read-only state for archival purposes in the next week or so, and I'll be working to move my OP2-related resources over here. Leeor's reached out to me to get the macOS releases and the re-encoded media files, so he should have those over here relatively soon. Additionally I'm pleased to see how far OPU has come in the past couple of years. So much so, in fact, that I consider NTCS's original mission to maintain a home for our community in the event that OPU might disappear complete. Should I have more time in the future to help out, my efforts will be focused to helping maintain this site in any way I can.
Finally, I do plan on maintaining the macOS release of OP2 for the foreseeable future, and will update it soon to include more recent changes that OPU has made to the game. I'll see what I can work out with Leeor and the rest of the OPU staff about getting me a method to easily upload it over here when I push a new release if possible.
For those of you who had made NTCS your home, thank you for the support, and I look forward to seeing you all around here when I find the time.