"thou fool! thy self has no brain! thy self is not human! thy self is the LORD OF PAIN!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA"
*creates a dark energy sphere 10x bigger than the previous, throws the sphere, then it condenses and explodes on freeza's computer destroying half the galaxy and scattering the cosmos outwards within the aftershock*
"This is still only a taste of my true power.."
*Creates another sphere the size of a beachball and emplodes it into freeza's skull. On contact the sphere explodes outwards creating a diminsional ripple in the space/time fabric making the area so chaotic that any biaological/mechanical/stardust-born substance which enters the zone fades from existance.*
"fyi that ripple will consume everyone in this area, but then again, its a part of me, so i cannot be hurt by it"