Author Topic: Tiger Mod La Corrida  (Read 6829 times)

Offline jcj94

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Tiger Mod La Corrida
« on: March 17, 2011, 08:43:52 PM »
IT WORKS NOW, and I remembered to put in tokamaks this time...

Well, download and enjoy  (thumbsup)  

I'm really happy now.

Download here  

EDIT: ^ Thats not actually the original link, its really under OP2 programming, OP2 coding, and the post I have in there, just so you guys know.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 10:00:10 PM by jcj94 »

Offline Zardox Xheonov

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« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2011, 07:50:04 AM »
cool! good work i hope its good :)
Hit me up on discord, if I am online, you know I'll be gaming.

(Lord Of Pain is no more, I am currently now "Zardox" and have been for awhile on other platforms.)

Offline Highlander

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« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2011, 11:23:31 AM »
Can you explain some more about this ?
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Offline jcj94

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« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2011, 12:42:19 PM »
Its basicly the La Corrida map, with tiger wreckage.. I'll have to post the original Source Code so you guys can mess around with it.  

You know that little piece of wreckage that is in the DEAD middle of the map it seams... wellllll..... thats where I keep my pretty pretty Thor's hammers... 4 of them, so you can't rush.  I don't have initial vehicle setup, I might work on that later....

I have the base setup in a relativly small cluster, but there are 2 three ore common ores in your base, along with 2 three bar rare ore.

I designed this map so you could take and anihalate with the resources.  There is also a fumarole inside each base, and it is set near the middle of each outcropping.  

Oh, and I have random disasters, and I'm going to do the Dan's Dog thing that hooman showed us about.  That, in my opinion, is a kick but easter egg.

Oh, and working on setting blight after mark 5000... so no super long games ATM

EDIT: Source code is under the OP2 programming\OP2 Coding\Tiger La Corrida post

« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 08:00:16 AM by jcj94 »

Offline evecolonycamander

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« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2011, 02:25:23 PM »
No double posting :P

Oh, and working on setting blight after mark 5000... so no super long games ATM
Well if we change the tech tree we can alter the outcome of that :P
EDIT: what kind of blight? fast, slow, somewhere in the middle?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 02:27:44 PM by evecolonycamander »
''The blight cant get us up here!''
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Offline jcj94

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« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2011, 04:25:08 PM »
No double posting :P

Oh, and working on setting blight after mark 5000... so no super long games ATM
Well if we change the tech tree we can alter the outcome of that :P
EDIT: what kind of blight? fast, slow, somewhere in the middle?
Imagine if you will, a bullet, traveling at mach 3.

Now imagine that bullets velocity times 100

Now imagine that It accelerates at that rate.

Now imagine that that bullet just ripped through the whole map.

That's about what the blight speed is going to be.

Offline evecolonycamander

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« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2011, 06:07:42 PM »
uhh, the blight value if im not mistaken can only be a value between 1 and 10. not even the highest setting is that fast.

also, in a four player match, you can easily team up with another player and take on the tigers. EVEN if they are thors hammer. 4 lynx's (micro) can take down a singe thors alone. so basically, sending in your starting units(if selected) wins you the research.

If you want to protect it, i suggest using forced tech units. a fully upgraded thors tiger can take almost anything except an rpg tiger with all upgrades of course.

even better would be changing the settings so if players have initial units, one tiger is added for each extra unit
''The blight cant get us up here!''
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Outpost 2: EoM project status: Re-planning

Offline jcj94

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« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2011, 09:58:29 PM »
I had read something in one of SirBombers tutorials that you could make the blight wipe out the entire screen in a single jump.

And, its not vehicles, its guard posts, can't assume things silly ECC.

And I am working on something LIKE that.. but for every initial vehicle, you get 2 more guard posts.

And then there are the walls.. which I should make MUCH thicker..

Well I'll do that in the next update, after I finish wrestling with base setup.

For some reason, when using the mapper, it doesn't like to mesh with the coder very well,  especially when you put in the "use default LoS settings"

But I'm to far along in the code to rewrite everything in it.

Just have to wait and see I guess.

Offline Bonk

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« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2011, 10:54:45 PM »
That tiger speed mod is ridiculous, they can almost keep up with Lynx.


Offline evecolonycamander

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« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2011, 11:48:39 PM »
guard posts? really!? then a rush would be even more effective. GP's have less heath(they get disabled after a point) and can not move at all to make them ether a harder target or to follow opponents. i assumed you would have thought of something strong enough to ensure players above my current skill would still be unable to get the wreckage.
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Offline Highlander

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Tiger Mod La Corrida
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2011, 02:30:35 AM »
Oh, and working on setting blight after mark 5000... so no super long games ATM
Mark 5000 seems a bit much.. Don't think I have ever seen a game go past 3500 marks and even that took hours..
In any case - if people wanna play a long game.. why not let them ?

If you want to protect it, i suggest using forced tech units. a fully upgraded thors tiger can take almost anything except an rpg tiger with all upgrades of course.
Thor's Hammer > RPG.
The RPG will probably take away half the Thor Tiger's hitpoints.

guard posts? really!? then a rush would be even more effective. GP's have less heath(they get disabled after a point) and can not move at all to make them ether a harder target or to follow opponents. i assumed you would have thought of something strong enough to ensure players above my current skill would still be unable to get the wreckage.
ECC has a point here.
First off, get a CC in there, which all the GP's can be connected to.
Secondly, get GP's behind walls. Then the players have to wait for ranged weapons or suffer more damage as they go through the walls. (Double layers of walls should do it)
Thirdly, to make it harder, place GP's behind the walls which are blocking players from entering the middle.

Lastly there is the issue of putting a tiger speed modification on a map where it is virtually useless. This map offers no possibility of outmanouvering or going around enemy forces. On La Corrida armies meet head on either in the middle or in the entrances to the bases.
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Offline jcj94

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« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2011, 07:53:02 PM »
I was going to add more walls and more GP's

and I was hoping this would be on a team, and first to get wreckage would battle everyone else, teaming up with them.

I hadn't figured out if there was an "If player collects wreckage, set all other players to allies" trigger yet.

Anyway, its a work in progress, I'm a nooblet here still so hey, don't complain to much, just be glad it works, especially with the way the mapper uses triggers "sigh"

Bonk? ridiculous? I think it should be scout fast.  That would be ridiculous.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 07:57:25 PM by jcj94 »

Offline Flashy

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« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2011, 08:56:24 PM »
I hadn't figured out if there was an "If player collects wreckage, set all other players to allies" trigger yet.
I think there are two ways of achieve that: Constantly enumerating all cargo trucks for wreckage, or setting up a research trigger for the wreckage tech id. Can't help more, I don't have my notes here
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Offline TH300

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« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2011, 05:16:26 AM »
I hadn't figured out if there was an "If player collects wreckage, set all other players to allies" trigger yet.
How are people supposed to play your map? Only ffa? And even then, as soon as its 2 vs 1 with speed mod, the 2 will have the advantage. There is no way to balance the speed mod other than the speed mod. (or you put it on a map where its useless, but then you can easier leave it away)

Offline jcj94

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« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2011, 09:49:16 AM »
Actually the speed mod is pretty good, seeing as your opponent can bypass your units on La Corrida and just slide right into your base while your trying to get all of your tigers BACK to fight.


Offline evecolonycamander

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« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2011, 11:21:18 AM »
Actually the speed mod is pretty good, seeing as your opponent can bypass your units on La Corrida and just slide right into your base while your trying to get all of your tigers BACK to fight.
I seem to remember it only takes a party of 1 scout, 1 cargo truck, and a few(about 5-10) panthers to take a wreckage. this is assuming you want protection. if you dont then only a scout and cargo is needed to get it. that any a unit or two to take out the GP
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Offline jcj94

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« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2011, 12:53:29 PM »

 that any a unit or two to take out the GP

sorry, that just confused me.

Offline evecolonycamander

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« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2011, 05:15:48 PM »
i was working on something else. guess i typoed. nothing new for me.

I like where you are going with this map but i would like to ask that you open it up some and make the inaccessible spots open. that way, pie chart maneuvers(going around in the dark for a sneak attack) are possible and more fun.
''The blight cant get us up here!''
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Outpost 2: EoM project status: Re-planning

Offline jcj94

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« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2011, 05:31:46 PM »
i was working on something else. guess i typoed. nothing new for me.

I like where you are going with this map but i would like to ask that you open it up some and make the inaccessible spots open. that way, pie chart maneuvers(going around in the dark for a sneak attack) are possible and more fun.
I would If i cold find a way to set tiles to pass... nevermind... because I beleive that I can find those tiles at the edge and make them passable.  

Would that Suffice?

Offline TH300

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« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2011, 05:48:44 PM »
i was working on something else. guess i typoed. nothing new for me.

I like where you are going with this map but i would like to ask that you open it up some and make the inaccessible spots open. that way, pie chart maneuvers(going around in the dark for a sneak attack) are possible and more fun.
I would If i cold find a way to set tiles to pass... nevermind... because I beleive that I can find those tiles at the edge and make them passable.  

Would that Suffice?
You have to edit the map with the mapper. If you only change the celltype it will be passable tiles which don't look passable and hence would irritate everyone.

Offline evecolonycamander

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« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2011, 06:07:03 PM »
If you want me two, i can quickly(10-20min) make those tiles passable. AND make them look like you can get through. the mapper is quite an easy tool to work with.
''The blight cant get us up here!''
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Outpost 2: EoM project status: Re-planning

Offline jcj94

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« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2011, 07:29:14 PM »
If you want me two, i can quickly(10-20min) make those tiles passable. AND make them look like you can get through. the mapper is quite an easy tool to work with.
GOD YES.. just because I'm to lazy to do it myself...

that and I just want to get this blasted thing finalized, and all of your concerns/ wants are really LENGTHENING the to-do list.

 1: add more thor's hammer
 2: move tokamak
 3: add walls
 4: see if there is a way to boost health/ reduce damage of walls
 5: set GP armor tech up
 6: see if there is a boost for GP armor tech, without everyone being able to use it.
 7: adding more... "on the edge" terrain.
 8: Adding blight (decided on a slow, stopable blight, but I won't tell you how.. well okay, I might PM a few like ECC on how.)
 9: setting up triggers needed for all of that
 10: making the code itself slightly modular allowing for others to take, use, and understand the code.  Right now its crap code.  

Offline evecolonycamander

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« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2011, 08:04:02 PM »
If you want me two, i can quickly(10-20min) make those tiles passable. AND make them look like you can get through. the mapper is quite an easy tool to work with.
GOD YES.. just because I'm to lazy to do it myself...

that and I just want to get this blasted thing finalized, and all of your concerns/ wants are really LENGTHENING the to-do list.

 1: add more thor's hammer
 2: move tokamak
 3: add walls
 4: see if there is a way to boost health/ reduce damage of walls
 5: set GP armor tech up
 6: see if there is a boost for GP armor tech, without everyone being able to use it.
 7: adding more... "on the edge" terrain.
 8: Adding blight (decided on a slow, stopable blight, but I won't tell you how.. well okay, I might PM a few like ECC on how.)
 9: setting up triggers needed for all of that
 10: making the code itself slightly modular allowing for others to take, use, and understand the code.  Right now its crap code.
will do. though im busy for tonight... also, as you want a stoppable blight, i tell you this: we check the code=we know how
as for gp armor? i think you can make changes to them with the .dll just set the armor level to 5(admantium) and the HP to twice it's current(ensures that no early game rush will make it)
''The blight cant get us up here!''
-famous last words
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Offline Highlander

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Tiger Mod La Corrida
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2011, 05:07:04 AM »
I like your idea jcj, but I think the map your using is wrong for this purpose.

I think your idea would work better on one of these maps:
- Colliseum
- Crash zone
- Four Mesas
- Barren Land
- Flood Plain
- Olympus Mons (With some editing)
- Around the World
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Offline jcj94

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« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2011, 07:58:57 AM »
I'm making a two person map on one of the EdenDemo maps.  I have 3 tokamaks, and a bunch of guard posts.  

Its only a two player though, but I will keep in mind your guys' ideas.

And something I've noticed...
    Trying to create a GOOD map from scratch built around the way you want the game to work out...  It can be pretty difficult.

    I'm not sure if a map has the name already, but HighRidge is probably going to be my first full MAP.  A team map, but a (hopefully) good looking map, with some decent arrangement that allows for outmaneuvering.