haha bleh I finished my junior projects.
anyways I have gotten animations and textures and everything into the engine. I'll make a video soon of it working.
I've been spending a lot of time learning the editor as I figured you were gone for good : P I'm actually teaching the sc2 editor as a class this summer : )
Thanks for the welcome back lol even if I didn't post for another 2 months lolol.
I've got 4 models done. But right now I'm focusing on building because I'm stilling working with the sc2mapster community to figure out how the hell the tank works >.<
because every single unit in outpost works just like the tank does

On the other hand my weekly goal is to make a custom tank that can fire while moving as has the attacks/debuffs of the units in outpost2. I mean they will all look the same, but I can slap the models I've been working on them once someone figures out how to make them work : )
plus I can throw a doodad on them to make it so you can tell them apart.
also I just wanted to state that at least for now, until I know the other guy has time to work on it, I'm not going to aim for a 100% remake of outpost2 right away. I'm going to focus on what makes the muliplayer pvp fun. So there won't be 1000 science things to research. I will focus on having muliple buildings, the outpost 2 mining system, and other fun things.
I'm really sorry i had not been posting more I had been pretty busy with school >.<
But I'm going to try to throw all of my free time at this sucker for the next 3 months to at least get a basically outpost inspired rts finished and playable : )
But the way if anyone one else out there wants to work on art, by god please tell me O.o
ok so I WILL POST EVERY WEEK no matter what, I promise. I have to kick myself into gear on this