Hmm, very nice. That's pretty cool looking.
The starry background above the planet is really well done. Same with the part just a little to the left. Farther to the left looked a bit spray paint like a first. It seems like a line of constant thickness snaking through there, almost like someone dragging the mouse with a spray paint tool. Except, nicer looking, and more (subtly) multicolored. Definately an above average job on the stars.
The texture on the smaller planet is also done quite nicely. It looks sort of photographic like. Seems oddly close to the other planet though, like they're going to crash into each other. Come to think of it, that's a pretty big looking moon. Well, I suppose extinction level events are kind of the theme of the Outpost series.
The planet in the front looks somewhat New Terra like. I would perhaps have expected a bit of polar ice though. There are some ice tiles for the polar regions in Outpost 2 after all. Unless that's what's in the center? Hey, if it's space, why not rotate the view. But then, I guess it wouldn't match up with the angle of the sunlight to really be where ice would form. The bottom left looks unusually plain. It seems like there should be more features or roughness there, or something. Actually, it seems a bit odd that most of the planetary features seem to appear in a circular region about what's probably on the equator.
How did you make that image? (Image software package?)
What sort of texturing technique did you use?
How were the stars generated?