AI thingie I've been working on...
minimal use of sierra ai parts, only use a group for the earthworker (notice how flaky it is), which won't build properly with the DoBuild command - it always builds Ls and not necessarily where it should build them...Hooman?
Uses "HFL" from hacker (with a few modifications of my own) and misc bits from hooman's hooville grinch edition...couldn't have done it without.
currently around 4k lines of code in 94kb of source. 182kb compiled size.
Right now:Repair AI
Surveyor AI
Dynamic Attack AI (mostly completed)
Debug Large Mini-Map
Tubing AI (stuck)
New Groups/UnitList Implementation (completed - fightgroup sucks balls)
Path-checking (can we get from A to B, option of being xenophobic. watch the surveyor)
Misc useful functions (lots of em)
Strength Estimation of groups of units
Common Sense/Damage Control
ToDo:finish war-ai unit selection
defensive AI
implement research
finish building placement system
implement the new, NEW researches - that have a real effect on the game. see if you can spot the one that is enabled right now!
proper map (borehole mk 3?)
note units are not meant to be commanded and will prolly not work except convecs, which are released when they are done.
"server.exe" is for receiving stuff from the debug ver. it will whine if you don;t run it, but you don't need to run it - you just won't get debug infos.
tilesets folder needs to be put in op2 folder. if dbg dll runs then op2 exits suddenly check that it is in there properly
AIscd_DBG.dll - debug DLL (has mini-map, and supports the debug console)
AIscd_R.dll - normal dll
it is by no means done...but still pretty cool, i think.