Author Topic: Interesting Discovery  (Read 1602 times)

Offline Sirbomber

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Interesting Discovery
« on: June 06, 2008, 06:46:33 PM »
Once again I've proven myself wrong.  Apparently, you can have multiple techs with the same tech ID.  Outpost 2 doesn't seem to mind.  No errors or failure to load.
While it's interesting to know, I don't see any tangible benefits from this. It'll more than likely cause problems (as it did for me when I first realized this was possible).  How?  Let me tell you how I found out, it's easier than explaining:
I was working on multitek2 and accidentally assigned two techs the same ID.  One tech allowed production of Robo-Surveyors and increased Common Ore Mine HP while the other increased Common Ore Smelter output.  I researched the Smelter upgrade tech and was able to build Robo-Surveyors (but the Mine wasn't upgraded).  Confused, I checked the techtree file and realized both techs had the same ID!

So if somebody can find a way to make this useful, congratulations.  I'm looking forward to it.
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Offline Hidiot

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Interesting Discovery
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2008, 06:50:57 AM »
I've done that a few times too.

You could assign two (or more) techs with the same ID, if you have a research that needs one or a few of the two/more researches that lead to it.

Like discovering fire through researching "stone rubbing" or "stick rubbing", not needing both.
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