making a joke about your "I'm working on it as we speak. "
you were typing at the time

ha ha funny? no one's work is shoddy or finished, two things that are impossible to do.
you're either A.learning B.working C.learning D.working.
i forget who said it, even though many have? they say they were forced to release without finishing, because its never done and they wanted to do more.
something like that.

if stuff could be either of those things, i'd be the worst modder, worker, human on earth.

i'm smart enough to strive for an unobtainable goal of perfection which leave me focused on doing the best i can, possibly setting aside or just working through as i learn and continue. with everything in life.
Edit: the phrase "i want to break it" is beta testing, the idea is to break the game metaphoricly. you need to find a way, to know where there are issues. pushing it as hard as possible to see if it hangs or crashes, end up in walls or what not. understand?