I've thought about this in terms of DLLs. Since we know how to issue player commands, we could potentially script a few. Mind you, that's easier said then done. Also, with some of those plugin ideas for injecting DLLs into Outpost 2, the idea could be made to work for any level, and not just hardcoded into a specific one. Hence this idea may be worthy of death threats.
Actually, some of my plugin AI ideas were very close to this, in that they allowed players to enter their commands normally, and if they hadn't entered a command that cycle, the computer could fill in a command on it's own. So basically if the project had ever gotten anywhere, it'd be like an AI colony that would also accept player commands. The idea was mostly to build a generic AI, but since that seemed like an overly ambitious project, I thought I'd allow for the human commands to supplement missing parts of the AI for testing purposes. It took a fair bit of work to allow both sources of command input without them competing and unexpectedly overwriting each other, but it did work. It was also multiplayer capable. This was a little bit beyond a simple macro though.
... probably a good thing I don't play multiplayer.