Ever wondered just how exactly OP2 determines if two units are within weapons range of each other? The actual calculation isn't the usual distance formula since that involves a square root, which is a bit of a slow algorithm. Instead, it uses a somewhat faster approximation, which results in non circular distance pattern.
I decided to make a quick graph to see what it really looks like. The image just uses the distance from the current pixel to the center (as calculated by OP2) as the color of that pixel. It results in shades of red, with 0 being close, and bright red being far, and wraps back around to black once it gets far enough away. Basically rings of the same color are considered the same distance.

Here's the distance calculation:
distX = Abs(x1 - x2)
distY = Abs(y1 - y2)
Dist = (min(distX, distY) / 2) + max(distX, distY)