Im busy of making a campaign of myself;
- plays on earth
- no, i dont use greenworld skins
- you play plymouth side
- earth is rather death then exploded
- volcanic activity: yes, why not
- no blight

- 3 factions, you play one
- no, 2 factions use the Eden skin
Thats most of it for you guys to know now. im busy with level 2 now, but i want to finish the first one ( 32 x 32, the further you are, the bigger the maps XI bad news for me). Bu im stuck with the coding, i have been to OP Wiki but i yust cant get the answer there, also the tools i found are a problem for me. I really really REALLY need help on thoes things.
- - - Anyone who dosnt want to know where my campaign would actually end dont read this - - -
Wondering how the campaign ends? Its where the introduction movie of OP2 starts
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