
WAY! to much Arguement and foul language after fair games of op2

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Author Topic: Too Much Fighting?  (Read 9279 times)

Offline Hooman

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2007, 06:31:52 AM »
I sort of feel GP rushing is a reasonably fair tactic. A little on the cheap side, but for the most part reasonably fair.

What's super annoying though, is making use of the ability to bump enemy units. You can use some old useless unit, like a robo surveyor in a land rush game after scouting out your area, and use it to bump enemy convecs off their pads. The dock will eventually kill it, but it's still very annoying and can slow someone down quite a lot. You can also get in the way of their building locations so they can't place them down.

Offline Sirbomber

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2007, 08:40:02 AM »
I sort of feel GP rushing is a reasonably fair tactic. A little on the cheap side, but for the most part reasonably fair.
So building a Guard Post next to an enemy CC before they can defend themselves is fair?

Maybe we should try it on you a few times Hooman.
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Offline alice

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2007, 12:13:11 PM »
I sort of feel GP rushing is a reasonably fair tactic. A little on the cheap side, but for the most part reasonably fair.

What's super annoying though, is making use of the ability to bump enemy units. You can use some old useless unit, like a robo surveyor in a land rush game after scouting out your area, and use it to bump enemy convecs off their pads. The dock will eventually kill it, but it's still very annoying and can slow someone down quite a lot. You can also get in the way of their building locations so they can't place them down.
I would have to agree with that, even though it is a little cheap. But then again, I believe that almost anything the designers intended is fair game (you could realistically build a gp next to someone's base, so why couldn't you in a game?) Also, if they have their initial weapons research done by then, you should too, and you can build closer to your base to defend. It's really not that hard people, and if you fail, then try again ^^ Mez rushed me with a gp once, and I learned to watch them from then on. (I truthfully found it quite funny) An actual scout rush is a bit hard to pull off in the beginning due to the lack of initial ore (usually making the target your enemies tokamaks. (So don't build them side by side! Nothing wrong with making them a few tiles apart. This also prevents against 1 flare downing both, also effectively crippling you)) Scouts are fast, and I don't see why they can't be used to get into a heavily fortified base. As for the missile spamming, I understand people's debate about it, but some people take it to the extreme.. (I've been in several games where the second I build a spaceport, they quit) Perhaps a little mod would be appropiate to restrict the construction... (or maybe even raising the prices a bit, but this would make it harder to even get an initial missile) That's if the community would agree on it. Alot of the points that Starfox made were good along the lines of actual cheating/glitching.

Don't cheat/glitch, most things are fair, community should come to a decision about the restrictions of missiles.

If you people are so pro, why don't you prove it (:

Offline Sirbomber

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2007, 12:20:03 PM »
But most people don't expect to get GP Rushed and don't defend against it because it's a cheap, dirty, illegal tactic.

Also, by your logic it's okay to cut enemy tubes because after all you could do it in real life. And why would they have an AM in real life? No need to have that either.  Might as well set up Advanced Lab Bombs all over their colony while we're at it.

Edit: Also, if this were "Real Life" mines wouldn't last forever and the colonies wouldn't be able to waste resources on GP Rushing and Scout Rushing.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 12:21:00 PM by Sirbomber »
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Offline Freeza-CII

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #29 on: June 27, 2007, 02:18:39 PM »
Using GPs for a rush is like some really big guy slapping a child around.  And it makes the person feel that way as such to.

Offline BlackBox

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #30 on: June 27, 2007, 09:22:28 PM »
Using GPs for a rush is like some really big guy slapping a child around.  And it makes the person feel that way as such to.
Also shows a complete lack of skill (as if GP / scout rushing is the best you can do).

Offline Hooman

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2007, 02:16:35 AM »
I also think cutting tubes is a perfectly valid strategy. Doing it late game is certainly no worse than using a nova to a CC, if even that. They should just be on the lookout for that. Doing it early game seems fair too. If they have an earthworker early game, it's quite possible you have one too (say in a land rush game). In which case rebuild any tubes they destroy, or build extra before they are destroyed. They can cut at most 3 of your active tubes before their earthworker is destroyed. They can't eactly repair them early game either, making it costly, especially if they need to send more than one. Plus, they are slow so you should see them comming in advance.

GP rushing is definately cheap, but convecs are also slow. You should see it coming. Unless your bases are really close, you should have time to put up GPs of your own before they get there. Granted, there is the issue of not knowing where they will place the GPs, and once you place yours they are immobile and so can be avoided. Although, that is somewhat dependent on the map. If placement is an issue, you can try stalling them long enough to get mobile weapons platform, which shouldn't be far behind. Maybe follow their convec around and place your GP right after theirs. You probably won't win the fire fight, but you'll at least keep their GP busy for a while. GP rushing isn't something I'd like to see way before combat units can be built, but I see no reason why people shouldn't try building GPs in an enemy base anytime after combat units are available.

And sure, some of those rushing tactics may be a bit on the rude side, but at least it ends the game early and you didn't just waste hours playing a game you didn't enjoy. Personally I'd love to see more creative ways of playing, other than the standard rush. If it ends the game early, then no real time wasted. If it's a long game, then at least it wasn't the standard rush. Besides, how many of you find at least a little amusement in some of the things people have tried?
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 02:17:16 AM by Hooman »

Offline Sirbomber

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2007, 09:26:49 AM »
I don't find any enjoyment in being GP/Scout Rushed and the last time it happened we ended up 5v1'ing the offender.
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Offline Highlander

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #33 on: June 29, 2007, 05:50:49 PM »
Well, both GP and earth worker tactics can only be used in a very limited amount of games. They would apply in really close LoS games or in crowded LR games. This means most maps can be ruled out.

Like someone already pointed out, both vehicles needed for these tactics are slow, and both tactics are quite easy to defend against.

There's no need to "outlaw" these tactics. Though I would call the tactics a bit cheap, they aren't "illegal" or "cheating" in any form. Instead of banning them outright, learn to defend against them. This were never a problem back on WON, and people using those tactics back then were reffered to as n00bs!
- I really don't see why it should suddenly become a problem to defend against these sort of tactics now..

For the record, I would only use these tactics if my base was within a screen of my enemy. i.e In the middle of a "Four Mesas" LR game etc.. AND if I were clearly at a disadvantage, OR were competing for the same resources to survive (That's my personal employment of those tactics though)
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Offline Sirbomber

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2007, 09:05:31 PM »
I think we're starting to go off topic here. I'll open a new thread for the ideas brought up here though.
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Offline Quantum

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #35 on: July 08, 2007, 08:00:06 PM »
I totally agree with all of that I hate when people start using profanity


you crybabies need to stop  
This conversation did not happen, the gun that I have in my hand is not real and the Presidents book does not exist.

Offline Sirbomber

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Too Much Fighting?
« Reply #36 on: July 08, 2007, 08:21:21 PM »
Please spend some time here before you start calling us names.
This topic has been settled anyways.
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