Author Topic: Bfg  (Read 2761 times)

Offline Combine Crusier

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« on: April 23, 2007, 08:58:59 AM »
New Weapons plans: Initiating

Rocket launcher / Reload Time slow/ AP Medium/ FP Medium/ Range Very Long
8 rack
8 rockets fire until reload required

Heavy Laser/ ROF Medium/ AP Medium/ FP Medium/ Range Medium
Enhanced with certain crystals from rare ore

Plasma Shard/ ROF Slow/ AP High/ FP Very Heavy/ Range Medium

Density particle cannon/ ROF Medium/ AP Low/ FP Light, Medium / Range Long
Fires particles that fuse to hull and increase mass slowing unit down

Organic Acid Launcher / ROF slow / AP Very High/ FP Ultra Heavy/ Range Long

Lava Grenade / ROF very slow / AP Instant/ FP Instant / Range Medium

Sonic Disruptor / ROF very slow / AP Low/ FP Medium/ Short

Blast Cannon/ ROF slow/ AP Very High/ FP Very Heavy/ Range Very Long
Fires SuperNova explosives encased in armor piercing material

Gatling Microwave/ ROF High/ AP Low/ FP Light, Medium/ Range Short
7 barreled

Particle Disruptor/ ROF Medium/ AP Ultra High/ FP Ultra Heavy/ Range Medium
Only mountable on single gun platforms

Fusion gun/ ROF slow/ AP High/ FP Heavy/ Range Medium

Magnetic grenade/ ROF Very slow/ AP Low/ FP Ultra Heavy/ Range Short
Used to cover retreats this grenade causes a + reaction to the vehicle crushing parts of it.

Gauss / ROF slow / AP Ultra High/ FP Ultra Heavy/ Range Ultra Long

pulse laser / ROF very Fast / APLow/ FP light / Range Medium

Ion cannon / ROF Medium / AP Medium/ FP Medium / Range Long

decapitator beam
/ ROF beam/ recharge slow / AP Ultra High/ FP Ultra Heavy/ Range Short
Short range ELF (Electron Flux) that tears through most kinds of armor.
Only mountable on single gun platforms

Armor penetration has been added as of April 24,2007.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2007, 08:08:03 AM by Combine Crusier »
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Offline zanco

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« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2007, 11:29:32 AM »
Big Freaking Gun?
I don't know if it is funny or just ... out.

To tell you the truth, I didn't really bother to read it all. There might be some good in what you are saying, but let me reiterate -- just for you  -- what outpost 2 is about.

It is not about firepower. It is about survival. It is about managing Your colony, it is about managing the last few survivors of the human race. Guns were developed pretty rapidly and it was for defensive purpose only... The technology though a little advanced is not about building Weapon of Mass Destruction. Plus you must understand Plymouth and/or Eden situation now... they are still struggling a little bit to survive, they are fighting the blight and the "Blighted Savant"... We released parts of the story in the first or second newsletter, take a look at it.

So grosso modo, Plym+Eden still surviving not even living, surviving. So...

You might want to focus this tremendous imagination of yours on "inventing" new units and/or Structure for Maesis colony.


now, I am waiting for the Ideas Slayer.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2007, 11:31:26 AM by zanco »
if anyone finds and communicate to us that which thus far has eluded our efforts, great will be our gratitude.
          Jakob Bernouilli

"Zanco`, n00b o' The Flares"

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2007, 01:06:11 PM »

As technology is improved so are weapons........

Also I must say that these weapons are for the most part realistic and could be developed by then and also flat out, it has been noted that a large amount of the human population weants the biggest guns for their nation.
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2007, 06:15:29 PM »
Realism can kill a game.  

The magnetic grenade IF you or any one else can see if its possible to create a concussive magnetic blast (simular to how a rail gun works)  in the from of a Omni directional Shell/projectile

Plasma Shard weapon con not fuse to any thing it would destroy them.  And it sounds like you want this to be a pure realism anti tank weapon one shot one kill.  That is some thing no game needs.

Particle Density gun.  No way in hell could any thing power a gun that would ever fire enough particles at some thing to slow it down and not just destroy it out right.

Organic acid launcher.  What Eden already has a acid gun and it owns (some times itself).  Doesnt make a difference if its organic or not.

Lava Grenade.  This is simular to my lava idea.  Where are you going to get the lava and how are you going to keep it hot and not melting through the tank and destroying the gun as you fire it.  Not to mention flying through the air it would harden and do almost nothing.

Sound weapons.  People have avoided these because they were used heavily in Dune games.  plus sound would have very little effect on armor plats.

Blast cannon.  This sounds like artillery and i tryed it once and no one seemed to want it no matter the compensations it had.

Gatlin laser = very fast laser plus plymouth uses microwave beam weapons or Masers.  They fire plenty fast and can pack a good punch in tiger forum.  And are the prefered weapon for rushes.  There is no need for this gun.

Particle disruptor.  What does this do.  I dont think the Romulans and the Klingons landed on the planet and gave them the guns.

Fusion gun.  So it fires Fuel rods at people? and why would they stick to the tank.  When you fire some thing that big it pretty much going to go through the armor.  and i dont see either colony wanting to mess with a nuclear fuel rod launcher.

Gauss.  This is technically a rail gun but works a bit different.  It might work if there is a 3rd or 4th colony but it would be very very simular to a rail gun.

Pulse laser.  Dont need this laser either.  As the base Microwave and Laser unit pretty much serve there purpose well.

Decapita.... what the hell is this a sniper laser for tanks? this would be a big no

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2007, 08:33:27 AM »
Freeza CII your comments crack me up. The BC isn't an artillery weapon it's a kind of projectile weapon that fires HE rounds. The rapid fire lasers are designed to make them more effective on smaller vehicles (I suppose certain weapons could be made unmountable on the tiger platforms).

Ok, so the plasma and fusion shards don't fuse to thing ok. The lava weapon could use the materials from magma well mines that have been modified.

The particle disruptor isn't star trek it's actually a weapon that disrupts the atomic bonds between atoms by messing with the electron configuration. Interesting isn't it. It turns makes most forms of matter think that they're noble gases which disrupts the bond eh.

The decapitator beam is a bit over ranged.... so it should be short (will change that) But the weapon is just a improved version of your ELF....... man I love those guns they are in Earth Seige and they make short work of Cybrids (the enemy). Even punches through shields!

What do you mean in your Magnetic grenade statement?

The sonic weapons match ressonance (think that's how it's spelled) with shatters it.

The Organic acid is a biomechanical acid that uses microbes (not blight) and nanites to eat armor and since it's biomechanical it won't die off quickly thus it is the ultimate weapon (advise for campain only!) and when it destroys it's target or hits a friendly the nanites send a toxin into the microbes which kills them which causes the nanites to self destruct. So if you get hit by this weapon EMP that vehicle to render it inert as EMPing the nanites will cause them to auto release the toxin on the microbes that they are attached to.

The density particle gun is a bit freaky as it actually fires nanites that pull matter from the vehicles surroundings and bond it with themselves creating more mass on the vehiicle.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 08:37:47 AM by Combine Crusier »
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2007, 12:19:03 PM »
Still the fact that these are uber weapons and arent needed.  If this Blast cannons is as you say then its a RPG.  And didnt people say no to nanites.  People didnt like the ELF as it mimiced the thors hammer to much which make it unwanted.  That organic acid weapon is completely out of the question.  The lasers a that are in the game are fast and short range.  there is no need to make a mimiced weapon that fires uber fast.  Matching the ressonence of armor plate ya right.  Sound is NOT a effective weapon on hard targets like tanks and trucks.  The partical disruptor is like your other particle weapon it would take so much power to use it would kill any thing out right or else it wouldnt do a damn thing at all.  Nanite firing guns NO.

I dont know if you have a hard time play op2 or if you even play it at all.  But If its that hard for you to play make you need some new tactics because most the people around here can beat the campaigns and any of the colony games.  And if you havent played op2 you need to badly

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2007, 01:02:22 PM »
I used to play it all the time.

UBER!!!!!!!! UBER!!!!!!!! Then you might as well take out combat all together as the most powerful weapon in the game will always be considered UBER!
« Last Edit: April 25, 2007, 07:59:25 AM by Combine Crusier »
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Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2007, 02:32:59 PM »
Combine Cruiser, I want to say this one thing to you:

Most of your ideas so far have been about one thing: removing depth from the gameplay. You want to make it so the player doesn't have to micromanage. You want to turn OP2 into C&C. This is what makes OP2 good -- the fact that there is depth of gameplay. The micromanagement (manual management of various resources, morale, and even the lack of build queuing can all be seen as micromanagement aspects) is what sets it apart from most other RTSes. I don't think many people want to see OP3 stray away from this.

Furthermore, introducing things like automatic vehicle factories that prevent you from having to click anything to make them build units, or mega space stations that allow players to rain down units onto the map out of nowhere really kills the gameplay. Not only does it take away the micromanagement aspect but it unbalances the entire game.

Most items in an RTS are balanced. For example, think about power plants in OP2.
The tokamak is the most basic, but it damages itself and will eventually blow up at random if not repaired.
The solar power array generates a fair amount of power, but you must launch a solar satellite for it to work.
The geothermal plant generates a huge amount of power, but you have to build it on a fumarole (of which there are limited number)

and so on.

Some of the things you want to add have almost no negative side to them, making them the kill all end all units you want. It's a way of trying to dumb down the game to make it more one-dimensional, plain, boring, and easy.

Look at superweapons in C&C games. In Red Alert 2 for example, all you need are a couple superweapons and you have a very significant advantage against the other players. True that they can only be activated every X minutes or whatnot but the capability they have is huge compared to 'normal' weapons (blast a nuke into someone's base, or use the lightning strike on someone).

No one wants this sort of stuff in the Outpost world. Not only does it take away from the depth of the game (micromanagement) but it ruins the delicate balance of the game. This brings me to my third point.

Ideas have to be realistic. OP1 and OP2 are both hard science games (I don't even want to tack on the word 'fiction' after 'science' since most things in the game are based off of factual real-world research). Unreasonable things like Interdimensional resource teleporters or GPs mounted in the side of cliffs or whatever else that can't be backed up with actual research, or would be simply unreasonable or uneconomical to build simply do not belong in the game.

None of this is meant to discourage you from contributing your ideas. The only thing that most people would ask is that you check to be sure that your ideas aren't going to violate any of these principles I just discussed. And of your many ideas, there have been a few good ones (the MULV is one that I could imagine making it into the game).

Oh, and on a related note, don't post things at the bottom of your post that say "Please don't lock the thread", and don't argue with others (like above). Replies like these are hardly likely to gain any sort of widespread acceptance.

Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2007, 06:08:26 PM »
I am going to make one damn thing very damn clear to any one and every one.

I have power if i wanted to you would never post again.  I used words like every one else.  If i wanted to be a real ass and not like your ideas and didnt ever want to see them i would delete them out right and laugh my ass off.  But I dont use my power for such infintestimal shows of superiority.

Offline Combine Crusier

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« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2007, 07:58:46 AM »
I didn't know at the time that Ultra Advanced things like Inter Dimensional POWER PLANTS weren't allowed. towers in cliffs have been used since....... well....... the dark ages! Look at some of the Indians they built thier cities in cliffs..... well some did.

The thors hammer beats just about everything so I don't see how these new weapons would change that....... At least the BC could have the same FP and Range!

The space stations were an idea that could be optional in the game server and......
the reason I said don't close this thread is because I didn't get to finish it, I don't like it when I am cut off before I can finish a statement...............

That explains why it say Freeza-CII is a Global Moderator! Nuggg....... Sorry I usally post in the morning and the morning is when I'm Grauggy.....
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