i already got a copy of XP, but there is no point upgrading my OS to XP cos i would have to reformat (when i reinstalled, i was merely upgrading 98 to 98SE so it didn't need a reformat) and i'm gonna get a new computer by the latest of next summer (i mean i will need a brand new one for starting university, won't i?).
probably be a new version of windows by then anywho... heh

cell processor is gonna be in the PS3 (playstation3), it is a new form of processor, using a totally new system to the others on the market... it is the same size as a pentium (most modern model) and is about 100 times faster to any modern processor...
IBM and compaq and another company each sunk $14billion into the development of this processor...
and i think there was something about it being able to do
17trillion simultaneous 13 digit equations
(well, that number is too large for me to fully appreciate what it means... but i'm sure those who are more into maths or hardware will understand what it implies)
yeh, i kinda noticed the OPC being kinda quiet... oh well, i'll leave it up as it doesn't cost me anything to keep it online (and besides you never know when a back forum will be needed)
yeh i had a b-day, i've been 18 since the 1st of august. (i got a letter from parliment that more or less said "congratulations on becoming 18, although we realise that politics is probably gonna be the last thing on your mind at the moment...[yadda yadda yadda]... we just want to say we don't mind which party you choose to vote for as long as it isn't the other one." (that wasn't word for word, but it had the same meaning)