Author Topic: Outpost 1 Solar System Map  (Read 11030 times)

Offline Noctis

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Outpost 1 Solar System Map
« on: June 03, 2007, 05:45:17 PM »
Alright, for those still playing Op1, I've made a "map" for the different systems choosable in the begging.
All habitable systems contain a combination of 7 diffrent preset planets. These planets are the following...

Habitable Planet Types:

Type 1 (Venus\Mecury)

Equatorial Diameter:                     0.38(4 878 kM)
Mass(Compared to Earth):                  0.055
Rotation Period:                        58.6D
Surface Gravity(Compared to Earth):            0.38
Mean Distance AU from Sun(Compared to Earth):   0.387
Solar Energy Recevied(Compared to Earth):      6.6
Aprox. Mean Temp. (Celsius):               350(Day), -170(Night)
Escape Velocity(kM\Sec):                  4.25
Principal Atmospheric Gases:               Helium Trace

Type 2 (Mars)

Equatorial Diameter:                     0.53(6 794 kM)
Mass(Compared to Earth):                  0.11
Rotation Period:                        24.62h
Surface Gravity(Compared to Earth):            0.38
Mean Distance AU from Sun(Compared to Earth):   1.52
Solar Energy Recevied(Compared to Earth);      0.44
Aprox. Mean Temp. (Celsius):               -23(Avg.)
Escape Velocity(kM\Sec):                  5.02
Principal Atmospheric Gases:               Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen

Type 3 (Pluto)

Equatorial Diameter:                     0.002(22 kM)
Mass(Compared to Earth):                  0.000000018
Rotation Period:                        0.32D
Surface Gravity(Compared to Earth):            0.001
Mean Distance AU from Sun(Compared to Earth):   1.52
Solar Energy Recevied(Compared to Earth):      0.43
Aprox. Mean Temp. (Celsius):               -50
Escape Velocity(kM\Sec):                  Negligible
Principal Atmospheric Gases:               None

Type 4 (Mercury)

Equatorial Diameter:                     0.27(3 476 kM)
Mass(Compared to Earth):                  0.12
Rotation Period:                        27.3D, Retrograde
Surface Gravity(Compared to Earth):            0.165
Mean Dictance AU from Sun(Compared to Earth):   1.0
Solar Energy Recevied(Compared to Earth):      1.0
Aprox. Mean Temp. (Celsius):               130(Day), -170(Night)
Escape Velocity(kM\Sec):                  2.38
Principal Atmospheric Gased:               None

Type 5 (Venus)

Equatorial Diameter:                     0.95(12 104 kM)
Mass(Compared to Earth):                  0.815
Rotation Period:                        243D, Retrograde
Surface Gravity(Compared to Earth):            0.91
Mean Distance AU from Sun(Compared to Earth):   0.723
Solar Energy Recevied(Compared to Earth):      2.2
Aprox. Mean Temp. (Celsius):               450(Surface), -23(Clouds)
Escape Velocity(kM\Sec):                  10.36
Principal Atmospheric Gases:               Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen

Type 6 (Pluto)

Equatorial Diameter:                     0.074(940 kM)
Mass(Compared to Earth):                  0.00017
Rotation Period:                        9.08h
Surface Gravity(Compared to Earth):            0.01
Mean Dictance AU from Sun(Compared to Earth):   2.8
Solar Energy Recevied(Compared to Earth):      0.43
Aprox. Mean Temp. (Celsius):               -38
Escape Velocity(kM\Sec):                  Negligible
Principal Atmospheric Gased:               None

Type 7 (Pluto)

Equatorial Diameter:                     0.18(2 300 kM)
Mass(Compared to Earth):                  0.002
Rotation Period:                        6.4D
Surface Gravity(Compared to Earth):            0.04
Mean Distance AU from Sun(Compared to Earth):   39.52
Solar Energy Recevied(Compared to Earth):      0.0006
Aprox. Mean Temp. (Celsius):               -230
Escape Velocity(kM\Sec):                  1.1
Principal Atmospheric Gases:               Traces of Methane, Carbon Dioxide

And here are the system build-ups. The Numbers represent the equalent planet types and a +1 means that there is addionalt one unhabitable planet present.

Star Systems:

Alpha Aquilae...........No Habitable Planets
Alpha Centauri..........A 1, 2
Alpha Centauri..........B 2, 3
Banrnard's Star.........No Habitable Planets
Beta Hydri..............4, 2
Delta Pavonis...........1, 4, 2 +1
Epsilon Eridani.........5, 7
82 Eridani..............2, 7
Eta Cassiopeiae A.......1, 2
Hr 7703 A...............No Habitable Planets
Hr 8832   ................1 +1
Kruger 60...............No Habitable Planets
70 Ophiuchi A...........2 +1
36 Ophiuchi B...........3
36 Ophiuchi A...........7
Procyon.................No Habitable Planets
Ross 248................No Habitable Planets
Sigmata Draconis........1, 5, 4, 2
Sirius..................No Habitable Planets
Tau Ceti................1, 5, 2
Wolf 359................No Habitable Planets

- Noctis

Offline Flameoftheabyss

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« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2007, 02:19:06 PM »
Hmm, I think the classification of planet types are a little strange.

I happen to have also collected these data myself, so maybe i'll post them here for checking:

Planets are listed from nearest to farthest.

“Habitable” Planet Attributes:
Mercury-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.38 (4,878km)
 - Mass: 0.055
 - Rotation Period: 58.6 days
 - Surface gravity: 0.38
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 0.387
 - Solar Energy received: 6.6
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): 350 (day), -170 (night)
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): 4.25
 - Principal atmospheric gases: Helium trace
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 35
 - Maximum digging depth: 1

Venus-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.95 (12,104km)
 - Mass: 0.815
 - Rotation Period: 243 days, retrograde
 - Surface gravity: 0.91
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 0.723
 - Solar Energy received: 2.2
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): 450 (surface), -23 (clouds)
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): 10.36
 - Principal atmospheric gases: Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 40
 - Maximum digging depth: 2

Luna-class Planets (a.k.a. the Moon)
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.27 (3,476km)
 - Mass: 0.12
 - Rotation Period: 27.3 days, retrograde
 - Surface gravity: 0.165
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 1.0
 - Solar Energy received: 1.0
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): 130 (day), -170 (night)
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): 2.38
 - Principal atmospheric gases: None
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 35
 - Maximum digging depth: 3

Mars-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.53 (6,794km)
 - Mass: 0.11
 - Rotation Period: 24.62 hours
 - Surface gravity: 0.38
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 1.52
 - Solar Energy received: 0.44
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): -23 (average)
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): 5.02
 - Principal atmospheric gases: Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 35
 - Maximum digging depth: 4

Phobos-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.002 (22km)
 - Mass: 0.000000018
 - Rotation Period: 0.32 days
 - Surface gravity: 0.001
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 1.52
 - Solar Energy received: 0.43
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): -50
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): Negligible
 - Principal atmospheric gases: None
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 12
 - Maximum digging depth: 3

Ceres Asteroid-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.074 (940km)
 - Mass: 0.00017
 - Rotation Period: 9.08 hours
 - Surface gravity: 0.01
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 2.8
 - Solar Energy received: 0.43
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): -38
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): Negligible
 - Principal atmospheric gases: None
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 12
 - Maximum digging depth: 3

Pluto-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.18 (2,300km)
 - Mass: 0.002
 - Rotation Period: 6.4 days
 - Surface gravity: 0.04
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 39.52
 - Solar Energy received: 0.0006
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): -230
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): 1.1
 - Principal atmospheric gases: Traces of Methane and Carbon Dioxide
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 35
 - Maximum digging depth: 1

Systems Summary:

Uninhabitable Systems:
 - Alpha Aquilae
 - Barnard’s Star
 - HR 7703 A
 - Kruger 60
 - Procyon
 - Ross 248
 - Sirius
 - Wolf 359

“Habitable” planet type availability

Mercury-class Planets
 - Alpha Centauri A
 - Delta Pavonis
 - Eta Cassiopeiae A
 - HR 8832
 - Sigma Draconis
 - Tau Ceti

Venus-class Planets
 - Epsilon Eridani
 - Sigma Draconis
 - Tau Ceti

Luna-class Planets
 - Beta Hydri
 - Delta Pavonis
 - Sigma Draconis

Mars-class Planets
 - Alpha Centauri A
 - Alpha Centauri B
 - Beta Hydri
 - Delta Pavonis
 - 82 Eridani
 - Eta Cassiopeiae A
 - 70 Ophiuchi A
 - Sigma Draconis
 - Tau Ceti

Phobos-class Planets
 - Alpha Centauri B
 - 36 Ophiuchi B

Ceres Asteroid-class Planets
 - Epsilon Eridani

Pluto-class Planets
 - 82 Eridani
 - 36 Ophiuchi A

System Details:
Alpha Aquilae
• Details
 - Spectral Class: A7
 - Distance: 16.0
 - Mass: 2
 - Travel Time: 81.98
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.000
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

Alpha Centauri A
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G4
 - Distance: 4.2
 - Mass: 1.08
 - Travel Time: 24.17
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.054
• Planets: 2
 - Mercury
 - Mars

Alpha Centauri B
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K1
 - Distance: 4.2
 - Mass: 0.88
 - Travel Time: 24.17
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.057
• Planets: 2
 - Mars
 - Phobos

Barnard’s Star
• Details
 - Spectral Class: M4
 - Distance: 6.0
 - Mass: 0.15
 - Travel Time: 32.5
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.00
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

Beta Hydri
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G1
 - Distance: 21.3
 - Mass: 1.23
 - Travel Time: 107.95
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.037
• Planets: 2
 - Luna
 - Mars

Delta Pavonis
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G7
 - Distance: 19.2
 - Mass: 0.98
 - Travel Time: 97.66
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.057
• Planets
 - Mercury
 - Luna
 - Mars
 - Saturn

Epsilon Eridani
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K2
 - Distance: 10.8
 - Mass: 0.80
 - Travel Time: 56.5
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.033
• Planets: 2
 - Venus
 - Ceres Asteroid

82 Eridani
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G5
 - Distance: 20.9
 - Mass: 0.91
 - Travel Time: 105.99
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.057
• Planets: 2
 - Mars
 - Pluto

Eta Cassiopeiae A
• Details
 - Spectral Class: F9
 - Distance: 18.0
 - Mass: 0.94
 - Travel Time: 91.78
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.057
• Planets: 2
 - Mercury
 - Mars

HR 7703 A
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K2
 - Distance: 18.6
 - Mass: 0.76
 - Travel Time: 94.72
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.020
• Planets: 1
 - Neptune

HR 8832
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K3
 - Distance: 21.4
 - Mass: 0.74
 - Travel Time: 108.44
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.011
• Planets: 2
 - Mercury
 - Jupiter

Kruger 60
• Details
 - Spectral Class: M3
 - Distance: 13.0
 - Mass: 0.25
 - Travel Time: 67.28
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.00
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

70 Ophiuchi A
• Details
 - Spectral Class: F9
 - Distance: 17.3
 - Mass: 0.90
 - Travel Time: 88.35
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.057
• Planets: 2
 - Mars
 - Neptune

36 Ophiuchi B
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K1
 - Distance: 18.2
 - Mass: 0.76
 - Travel Time: 92.76
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.020
• Planets: 1
 - Phobos

36 Ophiuchi A
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K2
 - Distance: 18.2
 - Mass: 0.77
 - Travel Time: 92.76
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.023
• Planets: 1
 - Pluto

16. Procyon
• Details
 - Spectral Class: F5
 - Distance: 11.4
 - Mass: 1.8
 - Travel Time: 59.44
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.000
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

Ross 248
• Details
 - Spectral Class: M6
 - Distance: 10.1
 - Mass: 0.13
 - Travel Time: 53.07
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.000
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

Sigma Draconis
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G9
 - Distance: 18.2
 - Mass: 0.82
 - Travel Time: 92.76
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.036
• Planets: 4
 - Mercury
 - Venus
 - Luna
 - Mars

• Details
 - Spectral Class: A1
 - Distance: 8.6
 - Mass: 2.3
 - Travel Time: 45.00
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.000
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

Tau Ceti
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G8
 - Distance: 11.7
 - Mass: 0.82
 - Travel Time: 60.91
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.036
• Planets: 3
 - Mercury
 - Venus
 - Mars

Wolf 359
• Details
 - Spectral Class: M6
 - Distance: 7.5
 - Mass: 0.1
 - Travel Time: 40.33
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.000
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

There are some things that can be improved, such as collecting images of possible site topologies on each type of planet, but I don't think I feel like performing such a tedious job anytime soon.

What i've found out is that the number of mining beacons on a site and their locations differ each time you start a game, so such information may not be worth collecting.

Let me know if anything isn't accurate here.

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2007, 04:28:10 PM »
Probably the wrong place for this*, but wasn't OP1 supposed to have Earth-like worlds? Or was that just for one of those planned expansions?

*But hey, it's the OP1 forum. Anything goes here.
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Offline Noctis

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« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2007, 10:00:08 AM »
Yeah... Well, I was drunk and did not bother to double check the guesses I made at first glance.


Op1 has only has planets similar to Mercury, Pluto, Venus and Mars, except for the unhabitable ones. There aint any Terra-Class planets.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2007, 01:04:09 PM by Freeza-CII »

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2007, 10:19:29 AM »

Op1 has only has planets similar to Mercury, Pluto, Venus and Mars, except for the unhabitable ones. There aint any Terra-Class planets.
Which is why I asked:
Wasn't OP1 supposed to have Earth-like worlds?
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Offline Flameoftheabyss

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Outpost 1 Solar System Map
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2007, 12:04:18 AM »
Actually the habitable planet types are:
Mercury, Venus, Luna, Mars, Phobos, Ceres, and Pluto.
What i'm curious about is if a particular system's attributes affect the condition of the planet as well, or if a single type of planet is all just generic. :P

Sirbomber, I do agree with your statement. Earth was listed in the manual, but then it never showed up... I also thought there would be an earth-like planet, and it's part of the reason I went checking each system in hopes of finding a true habitable planet. :)
And neither did Uranus either (strange, it shouldn't have been a problem to include it since it's inhabitable anyway).

Offline Mcshay

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Outpost 1 Solar System Map
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2007, 08:29:28 AM »
Here are all of the planets in the game (and not in the game).

It's interesting to note that the Mars and Unknown Planet #2 avatars are switched (I double checked it too) in Outpost. It seems that a more-massive-than-earth planet was in the works too (based off of Unknown Planet #3's avatar).
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 06:34:22 PM by leeor_net »

Offline Falciform

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Outpost 1 Solar System Map
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2007, 05:54:05 PM »
That's crazy that there are so many unused avatars in the game file.  I wonder how much longer OP1 needed before it would have really been considered "finished."

Offline Flameoftheabyss

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Outpost 1 Solar System Map
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2007, 11:13:41 AM »
Any idea what the unused planets are supposed to be?
I can't tell by just looking at them, since i'm not much of an astronomer - I only knew that Luna existed in the game even though it didn't appear in the manual because the attributes it possessed were pretty obvious... :P

Offline Greystar

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Outpost 1 Solar System Map
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2007, 04:45:32 PM »
Hmm, I think the classification of planet types are a little strange.

I happen to have also collected these data myself, so maybe i'll post them here for checking:

Planets are listed from nearest to farthest.

“Habitable” Planet Attributes:
Mercury-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.38 (4,878km)
 - Mass: 0.055
 - Rotation Period: 58.6 days
 - Surface gravity: 0.38
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 0.387
 - Solar Energy received: 6.6
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): 350 (day), -170 (night)
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): 4.25
 - Principal atmospheric gases: Helium trace
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 35
 - Maximum digging depth: 1

Venus-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.95 (12,104km)
 - Mass: 0.815
 - Rotation Period: 243 days, retrograde
 - Surface gravity: 0.91
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 0.723
 - Solar Energy received: 2.2
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): 450 (surface), -23 (clouds)
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): 10.36
 - Principal atmospheric gases: Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 40
 - Maximum digging depth: 2

Luna-class Planets (a.k.a. the Moon)
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.27 (3,476km)
 - Mass: 0.12
 - Rotation Period: 27.3 days, retrograde
 - Surface gravity: 0.165
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 1.0
 - Solar Energy received: 1.0
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): 130 (day), -170 (night)
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): 2.38
 - Principal atmospheric gases: None
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 35
 - Maximum digging depth: 3

Mars-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.53 (6,794km)
 - Mass: 0.11
 - Rotation Period: 24.62 hours
 - Surface gravity: 0.38
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 1.52
 - Solar Energy received: 0.44
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): -23 (average)
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): 5.02
 - Principal atmospheric gases: Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 35
 - Maximum digging depth: 4

Phobos-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.002 (22km)
 - Mass: 0.000000018
 - Rotation Period: 0.32 days
 - Surface gravity: 0.001
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 1.52
 - Solar Energy received: 0.43
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): -50
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): Negligible
 - Principal atmospheric gases: None
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 12
 - Maximum digging depth: 3

Ceres Asteroid-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.074 (940km)
 - Mass: 0.00017
 - Rotation Period: 9.08 hours
 - Surface gravity: 0.01
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 2.8
 - Solar Energy received: 0.43
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): -38
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): Negligible
 - Principal atmospheric gases: None
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 12
 - Maximum digging depth: 3

Pluto-class Planets
 - Equatorial diameter: 0.18 (2,300km)
 - Mass: 0.002
 - Rotation Period: 6.4 days
 - Surface gravity: 0.04
 - Mean distance AU from Sun: 39.52
 - Solar Energy received: 0.0006
 - Approximate mean temperature (Centigrade): -230
 - Escape velocity (km/sec): 1.1
 - Principal atmospheric gases: Traces of Methane and Carbon Dioxide
 - Estimated # of mining sites: 35
 - Maximum digging depth: 1

Systems Summary:

Uninhabitable Systems:
 - Alpha Aquilae
 - Barnard’s Star
 - HR 7703 A
 - Kruger 60
 - Procyon
 - Ross 248
 - Sirius
 - Wolf 359

“Habitable” planet type availability

Mercury-class Planets
 - Alpha Centauri A
 - Delta Pavonis
 - Eta Cassiopeiae A
 - HR 8832
 - Sigma Draconis
 - Tau Ceti

Venus-class Planets
 - Epsilon Eridani
 - Sigma Draconis
 - Tau Ceti

Luna-class Planets
 - Beta Hydri
 - Delta Pavonis
 - Sigma Draconis

Mars-class Planets
 - Alpha Centauri A
 - Alpha Centauri B
 - Beta Hydri
 - Delta Pavonis
 - 82 Eridani
 - Eta Cassiopeiae A
 - 70 Ophiuchi A
 - Sigma Draconis
 - Tau Ceti

Phobos-class Planets
 - Alpha Centauri B
 - 36 Ophiuchi B

Ceres Asteroid-class Planets
 - Epsilon Eridani

Pluto-class Planets
 - 82 Eridani
 - 36 Ophiuchi A

System Details:
Alpha Aquilae
• Details
 - Spectral Class: A7
 - Distance: 16.0
 - Mass: 2
 - Travel Time: 81.98
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.000
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

Alpha Centauri A
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G4
 - Distance: 4.2
 - Mass: 1.08
 - Travel Time: 24.17
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.054
• Planets: 2
 - Mercury
 - Mars

Alpha Centauri B
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K1
 - Distance: 4.2
 - Mass: 0.88
 - Travel Time: 24.17
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.057
• Planets: 2
 - Mars
 - Phobos

Barnard’s Star
• Details
 - Spectral Class: M4
 - Distance: 6.0
 - Mass: 0.15
 - Travel Time: 32.5
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.00
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

Beta Hydri
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G1
 - Distance: 21.3
 - Mass: 1.23
 - Travel Time: 107.95
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.037
• Planets: 2
 - Luna
 - Mars

Delta Pavonis
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G7
 - Distance: 19.2
 - Mass: 0.98
 - Travel Time: 97.66
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.057
• Planets
 - Mercury
 - Luna
 - Mars
 - Saturn

Epsilon Eridani
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K2
 - Distance: 10.8
 - Mass: 0.80
 - Travel Time: 56.5
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.033
• Planets: 2
 - Venus
 - Ceres Asteroid

82 Eridani
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G5
 - Distance: 20.9
 - Mass: 0.91
 - Travel Time: 105.99
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.057
• Planets: 2
 - Mars
 - Pluto

Eta Cassiopeiae A
• Details
 - Spectral Class: F9
 - Distance: 18.0
 - Mass: 0.94
 - Travel Time: 91.78
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.057
• Planets: 2
 - Mercury
 - Mars

HR 7703 A
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K2
 - Distance: 18.6
 - Mass: 0.76
 - Travel Time: 94.72
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.020
• Planets: 1
 - Neptune

HR 8832
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K3
 - Distance: 21.4
 - Mass: 0.74
 - Travel Time: 108.44
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.011
• Planets: 2
 - Mercury
 - Jupiter

Kruger 60
• Details
 - Spectral Class: M3
 - Distance: 13.0
 - Mass: 0.25
 - Travel Time: 67.28
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.00
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

70 Ophiuchi A
• Details
 - Spectral Class: F9
 - Distance: 17.3
 - Mass: 0.90
 - Travel Time: 88.35
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.057
• Planets: 2
 - Mars
 - Neptune

36 Ophiuchi B
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K1
 - Distance: 18.2
 - Mass: 0.76
 - Travel Time: 92.76
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.020
• Planets: 1
 - Phobos

36 Ophiuchi A
• Details
 - Spectral Class: K2
 - Distance: 18.2
 - Mass: 0.77
 - Travel Time: 92.76
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.023
• Planets: 1
 - Pluto

16. Procyon
• Details
 - Spectral Class: F5
 - Distance: 11.4
 - Mass: 1.8
 - Travel Time: 59.44
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.000
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

Ross 248
• Details
 - Spectral Class: M6
 - Distance: 10.1
 - Mass: 0.13
 - Travel Time: 53.07
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.000
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

Sigma Draconis
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G9
 - Distance: 18.2
 - Mass: 0.82
 - Travel Time: 92.76
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.036
• Planets: 4
 - Mercury
 - Venus
 - Luna
 - Mars

• Details
 - Spectral Class: A1
 - Distance: 8.6
 - Mass: 2.3
 - Travel Time: 45.00
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.000
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

Tau Ceti
• Details
 - Spectral Class: G8
 - Distance: 11.7
 - Mass: 0.82
 - Travel Time: 60.91
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.036
• Planets: 3
 - Mercury
 - Venus
 - Mars

Wolf 359
• Details
 - Spectral Class: M6
 - Distance: 7.5
 - Mass: 0.1
 - Travel Time: 40.33
 - “Habitable” planet probability: 0.000
• Planets: 1
 - Jupiter

There are some things that can be improved, such as collecting images of possible site topologies on each type of planet, but I don't think I feel like performing such a tedious job anytime soon.

What i've found out is that the number of mining beacons on a site and their locations differ each time you start a game, so such information may not be worth collecting.

Let me know if anything isn't accurate here.

Your information you provided was the most Usefull I have found for planets.  I was looking for a good planet to start with and now I can start over because the one I went to only had 1 landing site and only 1 level of depth.  

If anyone wants to know earths sun is a G2 sun so if something is a G1 the sun is hotter, so the O is hotest, B, A, F, G is our sun range, K, M
where M is the coolest so just thought I'd at that information the scale is OBAFGKM and 1-10 (or maybe 0-9, don't recall exactly from my atronomy class 10 years ago).

Thanks for posting the information.

PS) I registered just to make a comment...
« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 05:16:04 PM by Greystar »

Offline White Claw

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« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2007, 06:39:23 PM »
I posted a single page summary a while back.,3500.0.html

EDIT (leeor_net): Fixing broken link
« Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 07:02:50 AM by leeor_net »

Offline Flameoftheabyss

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« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2007, 07:26:09 AM »
... if only I saw that thread earlier, I wouldn't have reinvented the wheel (and an inferior one at that) <_<

Offline White Claw

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« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2007, 09:38:21 AM »
Haha. No sweat. Hopefully it's useful...