Author Topic: Issue Sheets  (Read 2783 times)

Offline Freeza-CII

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« on: June 21, 2008, 10:55:37 AM »
Going to touch a few issues here.

Topic locking

If they are all locked then start a new thread.  If we close off a area you wont even beable to make new thread or the section will vanish from exsistance.

But from the trend i see with the people around here they rather stay silent about a thread till like months later then start complaining.  This place isnt a democracy but admins do like input from the users instead of OMG STOP LOCKING TOPICS like a month after it happens.

Correcting people

Also Some people dont like to post things because they might get jumped on for there idea suggestion or there spelling.  NOTE this Dont correct any one.  Not only does it feel like a insult to the person. It may cause a Flame war to ensue or just some idiotcy.  Also about spelling YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IS THERE PRIMARY LANGUAGE OR IF THEY HAVE SOME KIND OF DISABLITY AND IF YOU CAN UNDERSTAND THE WORD ENOUGH TO CORRECT IT FOR THEM DONT BOTHER SAYING THIS IS HOW YOU SPELLING.  The exception to correcting people is if you see a (SP) or spelling or with me (how ever the f*** that is spelled).

IDEA bashing and just plain bashing in general.

Now there has been alot of this resently and it has drove more then a few members off.  Mostly its the constant herrassment some people are getting on IRC from select users.  They know who i am talking about and they cant defend themselves because i know all about there s***.  I have known about this for a while.

IDEA/suggestion bashing on here was ass rampant a like a year ago when genesis was in what was thought to be full swing.  Now granted alot of the idea either didnt make sence or they were just plain out ragious THIS ONLY MAKES THEM BAD IDEAS FOR GENESIS.  Doesnt mean the idea doesnt have merrit any where else.  A more resent thing.  A member by the name _A_ is making a engine i guess for op2 new improved what not.  _A_ is being pestered by a member that is only doing such things because it entertains him.  NOw he is one of these members thats seems to have gotten the special treatment like moogle got so very long ago.  Now is the time that the Admins put there damn foot down.  I dont give a s*** how long you been here how good you can play or how long you can screw my mother. your going to die.  Really i am done playing favorites.  And this is a message to any one with Ops and Half ops.  YOu have the power use it if you have to dont abuse it or you loose it.  

Now another issue that isnt so easy to resolve.
We have lost users to idling.  HOW may you ask well They come in the room and there not even a conversation to have.  Let alone a game.  At very least try to talk.  This is the reason why idling wont increase numbers at all with a small community.  being active is the only way.  I may ask for the OPU bot to be reactivated so it can send people a message saying that we are possible busy or afk try to get us any way.  Or if there is some way to do it with chanserv nickserv when they join the main opu chan.

Quiting a game
I know a few people do it.  They quit the game.  Ok there are 2 ways you can look at this If you are playing and a person quits because you are beating the snot out of them then you made them retreat. YOU WIN.  Sure you didnt get to please yourself by blowing up there base and laughing at them.  But Hey you can start up another game right away correct.  If your not busy being complete RETARDS and sitting in the main chain b****ing like old women about this and that about the game and why no one should quit.  Also a person may quit because they have to just go afk for a while. Setting the game to speed 1 isnt always the answer.  If some one is going to be gone for a while they should just bow out of the game and let it continue. personally i dont like to wait all that long. I have been in games where the wait was up to 30 mins. in 30 mins that game could have been over and started anew.  Quiting because you give the person the reward of blowing up your base you defeated them take your prise.  Dont f*** around for like 10 or 20 mins building a massive flare/nova army to kill one cc just use the units you had when you kicked the s*** out of the defence a killed some of the primary buildings that supported there defence.  

IF a game is quit in this way dont play the game with that person any more that is just a bulls*** move.  NOTE!!!!!!!!!! Not every desync and disconnect is a ham block. So dont go accusing any and every one of a ham block.


Hey Scout Rushes Multi Missiles and Tube Cutting are all valid tactics sure they are a bit underhanded.  but THIS IS A RTS real time STRATEGY!!!!!!!!  If they are multimissiling not even back to back missiles.  there are ways to defend yourself. Alot of those ways can be found on the forms.  But there is always the safest tactic Before you go in the game clearly state that this s*** aint going to happen.  that way you can all have a enjoyable game.  I would like To visit some BULLs*** reguarding AMs and flare/novas.  It is not a unit that can attack on its own. THIS how every does not give you the rights to enter some one base and park next to the CC and wait for the AM to pop up.  Keep them out of there base till the AM.  That is just a bulls*** move and prove that the user of the flare/nova has no class or skill.  SCOUTS are a different story.  You can take them in there base but no SELF D.  use them to scout they are not MINI flares before the AM. Only after.  STATED EARLIER.  IF YOU CAN KILL SOME ONE JUST DO IT DONT JERK OFF AND BUILD A SPECIAL ARMY TO KILL THEM OFF.

My way is just going right for the CC and SF.  the Brains and Reproductive organs of the colony. Kill those and they are dead.

Oh i almost forgot.  Missiling the Agridome till some one starves is a Bulls*** move i mean come on yall can do better then that s***.  And Missiling the smelters is a annoyance at best is doesnt really help you at all. your best to save that missile for defense against units. those missiles arent cheap either.

OH YES DONT f***ING SAY DONT LET THEM GET THE MISSILES IN THE FIRST PLACE.  REMEMBER alot of the games these event happen in have AM and BM.  For a Non AM game that is a truely valid point.  Dont say well play with out a am/bm  some people would rather have a longer game. then a rush game on pie chart.


MANY times you users will sit and argue with the person in charge in stead of just ending all the BULLs*** and AGERVATION early by just doing what they say.  Given they may not always say it nicely because when its done nicely admins usually get walked on.  

Any more issues that should be talked about bring them up.  Talk about these issuse is fine there will be no holy war over them.

Offline Mez

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« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2008, 09:46:03 AM »
I agree with most of this.

You seem to have missed the most annoying point with Quitting.

I don't mind if they have to leave because of a valid excuse. Provided they give warning (i.e. Tell us using in game chat).

The annoying gamers
I do prefer people to continue playing until there base has been at least invaded.
I'm describing a game on the pie chart map with 2 teams of 2 players.  Usually one strong player and one weaker on each team.

The weaker novice player sees the amassed armies of the opposition, decides that they can't compete and quits. Before their base is even attacked.

Two reasons for everyone to be annoyed.
1) We no longer have even teams, it becomes 2 vs 1.  The remaining 1 person has no support, or even someone to divert part of the main enemy force away from them. Thus the game is no longer fair.

It isn't a FPS it's not battlefield, CS or COD4, no one else can join the game mid round and take over from the quitter.

2) The weaker player who has quit, hasn't tried, won't get any better, won't learn basic base defence and therefore isn't likely to be of any more benefit as a future partner in OP2 team games.

I really don't mind playing with people of lesser skill as long as they are willing to try.  We all started from somewhere after all!

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 02:24:18 PM »
Game Tactics

Rules of the game should be stated at the start of the game and agreed on before the game should start. AM/BM. No missiles etc. As for missiling the smelters or agridome its legal unless stated in the rules before the game. And your wrong that its just an annoyance at best and dosent help at all. Sorry Freeza but you have not played the game as much as some of us. I will say no more on the subject.


Once you know the game is over and that you have accepted defeat it is ok to ally up with the other player(s) or say gg and quit.  I think in team games like Mez says the player should hang on for a little longer.

There of course are other issues such as the two groups of players, the people who like long games/big maps/am games and the ones who dont.

Offline CK9

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« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 02:52:46 PM »
Since you guys brought up the topic of team games:

One of the more annoying things is when you are teamed up with someone who won't assist you in any way.
  As an example: you get a bad ore spot and they have the holy grail of ore spots, and they won't send any units to help defend your base while you optimize your meager metal production.

  ALWAYS be ready to help your partner out in any situation.  It doesn't matter if they are a weak player who will be destroyed no matter what, at least give them a chance to contribute.

Now, as to quitting, I have a question for your guys opinion:

I'll use a scenario that happened between Paco and myself back on WON (though, he doesn't remember it).

Players: 2
Map: La Corr

Let's face it, Paco has always been a top-notch player.  A 1 v 1 against him left me with no chance in the first place, but I still played.  He plowed through the computer base and decimated my meager army of lynxs.  I knew I couldn't produce enough units in time, so I said "You win, gg" and detonated a supernova next to my own CC.

Would you guys consider this method of admitting defeat a valid one, or amungst the ranks of quitting before you're even attacked.
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Offline Mez

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« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 05:27:16 PM »
so I said "You win, gg" and detonated a supernova next to my own CC.

Would you guys consider this method of admitting defeat a valid one, or amongst the ranks of quitting before you're even attacked.
It's a personal opinion really.

I wouldn't consider it quitting, and would be quite happy for you to do it, perhaps with a wtf afterwards (as I don't always read the chat messages immediately if I'm busy).  As your base had been invaded and Paco would have destroyed your CC, I don't see a problem with it.

Anyway, back to the topic, I agree with the "partner not assisting", especially if your partner is experienced and can do so easily, I.e. Not in their own sticky defensive situation.

Offline Sirbomber

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« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 06:40:48 PM »
You're never gonna get people to change the way they play unless you redesign the game itself.
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2008, 10:34:59 PM »
I think if you want some one to become better and make them try.  You need to not Bash them for simple mistakes and try not to talk down to them.  Making some one feel like a child being scolded by a parnet is the fast track to the noob house.

Actually play with them and make it progressively harder.  Not OMG LOOK AT THIS BUILD ORDER READ IT LOVE IT LIVE IT.  That Build order is important but by itself it doesnt help much for the average person.

Redesigning the game will not change the players.  Players need to change themselves and each other.

Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2008, 10:40:20 PM »
I have no problem with quitting when you're basically down for the count. Sometimes it can be bad, such as a team game, where your allies actually are in a position to reserect you (It doesn't happen a lot, but I've had games turn completely around using that tactic). But if you've got absolutely no hope, you're army is defeated and you're basically dead, I see no problem with it at all. Can be a bit annoying when people/enemies quit for no apparent reason, esp. if you've just started attacking them, and they just up and quit with no real fighting... Thats annoying.
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Offline Ice Blade2097

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« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2008, 11:54:20 PM »
The following are my few thoughts on some the topics mentioned up above.

Idea Bashing:

Folks have to come up with ideas somwhere.  While some ideas strange and odd to others it could be the next breakthough in whatever they were trying to do.  If you don't like an idea someone has kindly say somthing to them (if they asked for suggestions on their ideas.)  If they haven't asked for suggestions don't say anything.


I have mixed feelings on idling.  Yes if someone stumbles upon IRC and sees folsk there it gives them hope that the place isn't dead.  However if no one is about saying anything then it about the same as no one being in IRC.

Quiting A Game:

Is valid only if you give an reason before just up and quiting.  If you think your beaten and wish to just end it just send an message saying you surrender or somthing along the same lines.

Ham Blocking:

I assume this would be used to kick people out of a game that has broken a rule.  If someone breaks a rule send them an message saying that they have.  Usualy it is just a simple mistake where someone forgot the AM or BM.  If they don't respond then you have two choices.  Take off the gloves and beat them or simply quite.

Tatics In Game:

This game has been out for some time, so probably every single tatic possible to do has been done before.  That being said like most strategy games there is a group of tatics that get singled out as "the best things to do."  However if you see a tatic that makes you go " what are they thinking?" just wait and watch the tatic unfold and who knows you might learn somthing from it.  Yelling at a teamate or player for devating from the status quoe doesn't do anything.  If you lose because of it you lose.  Its just a game and sometimes just seeing how somthing would play out is enjoyable in itself.


Host sets rules at the begining of the game.  If you have a problem with them you may suggest a rule change before game starts.  If the host declines your suggestion you can either quite or play.  If you play then don't complain aftwards about how "gay" somthing is.