Author Topic: Monorail/maglift  (Read 3664 times)

Offline omagaalpha

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« on: March 23, 2006, 08:36:01 AM »
Monorail / Maglift

Follow posts help come up with this idede
Post by leeor_net
and some other parts of threads too

Related ideas:

- Cargo Train

- Cargo Carrier

- Tubes between mine and smelter instead of Cargo trucks

////////////new rework of how show off master concept/////////
Table of Content
I. actual units neeed for idea
_ A. Passerage CAR
_ B. Engine of Monrail
_ C. ore car
_ D. Kit car
II. Structure of idea
_ A. Monorail Tracks
_ B.  Station
_ C. Operation center
_ D. Train yard
III. upgrade/attachement to a structual
_ A.  Mine statation it upgrade/attachement  to Mine
_ B.  Smelter statation it upgrade/attachement  to Smelter
IV.  Concept
_ A. loop vs Back& forth
V.  Technology for the Monrail
_ A. Technology need to build Monrail
_ B. Technologys that impove the Monrail
VI. Balance of it in game
_ A. Advanages of put it
_ B. Disadvanages of it
////////////end of new rework of how show off master concept/////////
I. Outpost 1 had Monorail that can use transport people and goods lot fasters. So thinking maybe it could use again for ability to do both too.

A. People:
 - so coloney could trade people between coloney or rotate colonist so that morally can boost up morale for that coloney

B. FReight:
 (1)- could also transport structure kits between coloney

 (2)- also could take place cargo truck for longer distance of get ore to smelter. 
 - (a)- mine would be able to directly link thru upgrade/attachement that would act as station
 - (b )- smelter would have upgrade/attachement that make so act station for track connect too.
 - ( c )- a & b maybe pad would disappear on building too so that it would be more choice had to be made

 (3)-as for units I would say no for I think might give too big advanages.

II. now time for other stuff
A. Actual train that goes on track that has Limited to it
 (1) - If strip track between 2 station then you can only have one train on it.

 (2) - If it is loop then only limit to amount train on it is amount of station.

 (3) - how many cars can be I have on a train is 2 factor
- (a)- If it is a strip then it is smallest station determined amout cars
- ( b )- A Loop then amount cars is limit to what bigest station can hold

B. Actual componet
 (1) - Special power facility - due to specai current need too produce(ok won't lie I have no clue . Oh but it does good use to help limit amount track that can be powered.

 (2) - Normal station-passager  get on here and kits can beupload via pad

 (3)- Mine station -  it is upgrade /attachment to mine allow the track to becoonected.
 - (a)- mine now has stock pile ore in it as it mines the ores that unload when freight train comes in.
 - ( b )- also monorail if mine has some damage repair team can come and repair it(emergcey responed team)
 - ©- also mine no longer have pad due devotion of get enought ore fill train up

 (4) - Smelter Station-it is upgrade /attachment to Smelter allow the track to be conected.
 - (a)- Freight train arrives it unload ore to smeltered which well then process it.
 - ( b )- also cargo truck pad when no longer be able to be use due deman from process ore

 (5) - Go to here for information ofMonorail Tracks
 (6) - Train yard -maitance, repair, storage of cars, assemple cars & train happen here

Also because of cost associate with build a special power supply beside track,station, TRainyard(which store and build cars for track)
Should be note that if you have not built loop with track you cannot have more one train going on track.

Note: below fill in when people say reason why good or bad for it.
This is a good idea, because:


This is a bad idea, because:


EDIT (leeor_net): fixing broken links
« Last Edit: September 04, 2017, 02:35:57 PM by leeor_net »
Sorry if my grammar and spelling is bad, but I have disablity with it.
Yes, English is the first and only language that I know.

Offline lordly_dragon

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« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2006, 11:26:46 AM »
I think with that Idea instead of doing a smelter on a distant mine you could make a mining outpost where your truck would drop the gathered ore. Then, with the train, ore is transported back to smelter

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Offline omagaalpha

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« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2006, 12:28:26 PM »
It is good way "" good way to control amount ore but think along lines of that mine would upgrate attachement to create station store ore until train arrived hall back to smelter. Time take to fille cargo truck (from start going onto pad to full off pad) should be amount time ore take build up in station.
For got reminber unlake outpost 1 there actual be Monrail on track moving back in forth or several looping around.
Sorry if my grammar and spelling is bad, but I have disablity with it.
Yes, English is the first and only language that I know.

Offline Stormy

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« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 04:46:07 PM »
why not just use tubes for the monorail? I mean, that will give you the same ablity, and if you ever need to build something down near the outpost, you've got the tubes, you just need to build the structure.
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Offline omagaalpha

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« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2006, 04:59:10 PM »
No ruins whole effect of monrail. For also want see monrail go between stations.
Sorry if my grammar and spelling is bad, but I have disablity with it.
Yes, English is the first and only language that I know.

Offline HaXtOr

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« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2006, 06:22:17 PM »
This is a good idea becuase I LOVED the monorails in the original outpost.

One sugesstion, have the tracks be destroyable, or better yet have a mine device that spiders can place on the track that can blow up the trains.

There could be derailments and such, when this happens you need to fix the track and use a convect to put the train back on the track.

 trains should also be effected by emp, ex not stop but keep going missing a station or the trains keep going the same speed as if temperarily out of controll, thus they can go too fast around corners and derail, or even crash into another train(if in a loop)

Offline Vexhare

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« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2006, 07:34:16 PM »
So what your saying is minor disastors, but for monorails to add to the overall disastor list.... fun

Offline omagaalpha

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« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2006, 08:52:31 PM »
Well track to be able to be destroy was kindy implaid in it but probly should section disaster /attacks in this idea
(edit add tomorror and finnaly figure out what th300 edit in it so give more breakup my idea also)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 08:55:21 PM by omagaalpha »
Sorry if my grammar and spelling is bad, but I have disablity with it.
Yes, English is the first and only language that I know.

Offline Skydock Command

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« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2006, 03:16:04 PM »
What if we had no tracks? Like a hover monorail?
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2006, 03:41:07 PM »
UH even a Maglev train has rails it just doesnt touch them.

Offline Skydock Command

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« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2006, 03:43:02 PM »
Yes I know. I ment like with a hovercraft but its a monorail. If it dosent touch a track then it can go like 600km/h
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Offline Betaray

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« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2006, 03:44:20 PM »
they have tracks for a reason

think, 600km/hr 300 ton train hitting a rock

also hovercraft are baised on atmospheric pressure, which on New Terra isnt enough for levatation, and magnetic levatation would be extremely weak, not enough to lift a train
« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 03:45:45 PM by Betaray »
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Offline Skydock Command

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« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2006, 03:46:00 PM »
What if it was higher up than the rocks? I could see it hitting a cliff,  but a rock might be to low.
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