Author Topic: New Trinity - Splintered Humanity  (Read 4164 times)

Offline Vexhare

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New Trinity - Splintered Humanity
« on: August 18, 2005, 01:31:04 AM »
New Trinity – Splintered Humanity

Eden has won the race for materials and technology. The Starship Conestoga 2 cruises gently towards potential planets while the Plymouth children get adjusted before hibernation.

Prologue – Seeds

“Shh, shh… Vex they’ll hear you.”

“Alright, then come closer Ana, we don’t want to get caught. Lets go over it one more time to be sure.” I peered out of the storage box’s that we were behind to ensure absolute secrecy.

“You know just as well as I do, that we got the raw end of the deal with this whole colony vs. colony thing right?”

“Yeah Vex, but what you're planning to do is…”

“I KNOW, I know, but this will just even the score.” I drifted a little, this plan has been months in the making since Eden clearly was going to win the technology race. I never though it would come to this though. A modified Blight. One that only attacks brain cells. It was a horrendous idea by those damn desperate scientists in Plymouth, but it was only validated to the council further by the antidote to all Plymouther’s who were going to be near it. All of us children were given the antidote, then the formula was destroyed, lest an Edenite get it.

“When the last rations are given out before we hit hibernation I’ll slip into our hosts life support module. “

“Yeah I know that Vex, but how?” Ana asked me dryly, while I looked directly at her. She had to know I needed her for something. I palmed the vial into my coat sleeve. I couldn’t help but peer out once more before letting out the last thing I needed her for.

“Ok, when we go get our last rations here shortly I want you to throw an absolute fit about something… ANYTHING. Enough to get a good distraction going.” I accidentally glanced up at the wall our alcove was set in front of. The gigantic blue E that symbolized Eden. I writhed with rage as I remembered how malicious Eden was those last few months. Ana fidgeted a little while I glanced at her peaceful face. Her brown eyes are so soft in spite of all the evacuations and attacks she’s seen.

“Alright Vex, this is only because you got my sister aboard.”
“Listen I couldn’t just..”

“Ana you’d better go.”

I know Ana is fifteen, but when she hurried off I still admired her rough brown hair as she jostled by the crates. Well, she’s a year older than me but I can still dream.

She has a rigid cell about her that I have only recently dented. Of course I had to lie cajole and otherwise cheat her sister into the roster to do it though. Her little sister had been injured badly last attack, not fatally or life crippling or anything, but there was no way she was getting on that transport without some fudged numbers. So fudge them away I did. Surprising how little things are checked when your evacuating the last survivors of your kind. Good thing for me being in the Med-Center that week though, because now she works for me for the time being, and she doesn’t walk away every time I try to talk to her now.

“Hey Ana, where were you all day I’ve been looking for you.” Jeremy asked me almost desperately through his gigantic glasses. He absolutely loved plants, but I couldn’t understand his infatuation with me.


“Well I uhh…” This was it I just have the strangest feeling he’s going to ask me to be his girlfriend AGAIN. Ooh, a distraction. I can make him look like a moron and give Vex his chance.

“NO Jeremy I DO NOT want to do anything with you, be your girlfriend or otherwise be associated with you AT ALL!” Good, people are staring.

“LEAVE ME ALONE JEREMY! I DON’T LIKE YOU!” I’m probably going to kick myself for this later.

“I HATE YOU!” I screamed at the top of my lungs just as I saw Vex slip by into the Command Room out of the corner of my eye.

“UGH!” I ran off and collided with a stack of personal belongings from the other Plymouthers on purpose, for effect.

“Oh s***, I’m so sorry.” I blurted out when Vex walked up. I sighed in relief. He hadn’t been shot to death for attempted genocide, good.

“Causing scenes again Ana.”

“Uh, excuse me, are you ok?” One of the maintenance techs grew enough courage to ask me. The sea of onlookers from the ration line was still staring.

“Yeah I guess. I must be anxious to hibernate and get on with it all.” I guess he did it, he poisoned all the Edenites with a Blight that halves their life span.


The survivors of petty hatreds on New Terra have brought their ill wills with them.

Granted this is only the prologue, I figured I'd give it a shot. The whole point of view thing is a bit tricky to get out, so I'm up for suggestions.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2005, 01:35:01 AM by Vexhare »

Offline spirit1flyer

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New Trinity - Splintered Humanity
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2005, 09:38:16 PM »
Interesting way of continuing what happens after they leave.

 looking forward to more  ;)

« Last Edit: August 18, 2005, 09:38:59 PM by spirit1flyer »
"Until you stalk and overrun You can't devour anyone"

Loyal Xfir supporter

Offline Vexhare

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New Trinity - Splintered Humanity
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2005, 12:47:55 PM »
Sorry about the minor hiadas im going on, college blows lol. so much homework >.<

Offline Leviathan

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New Trinity - Splintered Humanity
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2005, 04:02:40 PM »
Well were glad to have you with us Vexhare. Looking forward for the next bit.

Offline thablkpanda

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New Trinity - Splintered Humanity
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2005, 07:52:42 PM »
I concur.


Offline Vexhare

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New Trinity - Splintered Humanity
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2006, 11:57:14 AM »
Good news, I will be adding some more to the story when I get the chance. I've already started laying out the foundations for the plot all the way unto the end.

Offline Vexhare

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New Trinity - Splintered Humanity
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2006, 09:32:26 PM »
Chapter 1a – Frustration
A crack of thunder shot across the council chamber as Councilor Keisha bellowed for silence.  Finally after several murmurs of discontent rang out from the back the chamber echoed quiet.  

Keisha seethed, “Councilor Vex we shall hear your comments on this matter without interruption.”  

I stood and glared coldly, “Look Councilors I feel we need to hear both sides on this matter before we close this.  There are only three Plymouth children on this council and I feel they should all be heard on this.  There have been increased ‘accidents’ that have been near the Plymouth residences as well as a few ‘mishaps’ that have us all concerned.  Nothing of this magnitude was ever allowed by the Savant computers before and I highly doubt they are being allowed to happen now.  I propose we have foul play by some disagreeable saboteu…”

The chamber broke out in yells just as Keisha shattered her gavel in a strain for order.  “QUIET, I refuse to have this issue come back.  Either he will be heard or we will hear this again next meeting.”

I strained to keep from breaking my teeth from clenching as the quiet returned, “You all are not blind, and I will not sugar coat this.  There is a saboteur one or many that obviously could do without the presence of Plymouth children.  I have been bringing this issue up constantly for months and been denied.  It shall be denied no further.  It would be not only fair but also in the issue of our continued survival if we split the colony again as we did back on New Terra.  However, the communication satellite will not be shut down and weekly visits shall be held between the colonies to ensure continued cooperation.  It is obvious we cannot coexist together in the same colony, so I demand you let us take the supplies we need and leave before anything untoward happens.”

Keisha looked at me very intently, “The council shall consider your proposal and vote on it.”
None of the councilors yelled this time; all in a very mild manor cast their ballots in their seat computers.  Of course the vote was three for, twelve against.  I had not really considered it to pass, but it never hurts to try the real and slightly democratic way.  

“Councilor Vex the measure fails, and seeing how as this is the last point on the agenda we shall conclude this meeting and meet again next month.  Thank you” Keisha said almost in bitter triumph as she stood and hustled out.

There were some insidious stares from the opposing council members as I left and not a nice gesture made towards my person as everyone spilled out.  I caught Ana as she was leaving the council room.

“Ana I’ve done my best to do this the right way.  You know what is next” I whispered.

“I don’t like it, you KNOW I don’t like it, but you made this decision far before you even consulted me. Fine, do it and I will come” Ana replied coolly.

History does repeat itself, no matter what planet it is found on.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2006, 11:13:31 PM by Vexhare »

Offline Jgamer

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New Trinity - Splintered Humanity
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2006, 08:39:02 PM »
Last post, march 17. Today's april 17... Just so you know that after exactly a month i'm still interested in this

Offline Vexhare

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New Trinity - Splintered Humanity
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2006, 05:07:51 PM »
I will probably post by the end of the week.

Offline Vexhare

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New Trinity - Splintered Humanity
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2006, 04:08:03 PM »
Correction... I had an injury at work (I fell after I slipped on grease) and I will not be able to get to the story this week, but look forward to next week!