Author Topic: Custom Batch Commands  (Read 1544 times)

Offline croxis

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Custom Batch Commands
« on: August 03, 2006, 01:59:32 PM »
Custom batch commands

Related Ideas: Custom UI by op2hacker

Arguments in support:
  • Reduces micromanagement
Arguments against:
  • May end up that games depend on who can script better


The ability for users to create custom commands would be a great addition, especally when managing units.  If turret speed is a factor, then one could write a command for circle target to take advantage of that weakness.  If one wants to make mass repair then one could write a dock at nearist avalable garage for repair.  Custom unit formations could also be written (wall formation, a better guard formations, line dancing, whathave you).

The only down side I see is that it opens up the risk that someoen could win just for the reason they have better custom commands than another player.  I have heard this to be somewhat of a problem with world of warcraft.
David - Proud to be saving the universe sense 1984
Open Outpost developer.  Project Page | Forum Thread

Offline Tramis

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Custom Batch Commands
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 02:08:23 PM »
I believe I already posted something like this.  A thread for automatic repair I know has been made.

Suppose there was a list of "attack behaviors" that units could use, ie "face first guns blazing" "circle the target" "split up and flank the enemy".

Offline croxis

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Custom Batch Commands
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 03:08:04 PM »
Right, I knew someone said something but I couldn't remember where.  Its taking your idea and expanding upon it.  If a nice big happy API is written for the UI and commands then this could be a quite powerful tool indeed.
David - Proud to be saving the universe sense 1984
Open Outpost developer.  Project Page | Forum Thread