You are in a multiplayer game with two other players.
Your enemies are busily fighting eachother and you are off in a distant part of the map.
Your base is complete and you have started producing tigers but none have been built yet.
You have a small rare ore mining operation one screen away from the edge of your base. It is not connected to your main base by tubes.
You dont expect to be attacked directly until your two enemies are finished with eachother so you are not in such a hurry to keep your base completely defended.
You are preparing to build a mining operation splinter colony, so your structure factory has in it: 1 Command Center, 1 Structure Factory, 1 Vehicle Factory, 1 Tokamaks, 1 Thors Hammer Guard Post.
Suddenly, your Command Center is struck by a Vortex and is destroyed. Your colony goes offline.
A few seconds later, your Vehicle Factory is struck by a meteorite and is reduced to only 3% hit points it will have to be repaired before it will come online.
The opponent closest to you notices your colony is vulnerable and launches a weak strike. Since they are fighting the other opponent, your enemy can only spare 3 Rail Gun Panthers and 1 EMP Panther.
The enemy units approaching your base are obviously headed toward your Structure Factory and your nearly destroyed Vehicle Factory.
You realize that you have 1 Convec on the loading dock of your Structure Factory and that Outpost 2 will allow you to load a Convec with a kit only once while it is offline, provided the Convec was on the pad before it lost the Command Center connection.
You have only 1 Thors Hammer Lynx at 80% hit points to defend your base with.
You have just enough time to build 1 structure before your opponents units arrive at the edge of your base.
Knowing that you can only load 1 Structure Kit into your Convec and successfully build it before the enemy units arrive, what do you do?