Yea well,.. erm that hdd i thoguht i lost all the data (300gb drive) on cuz of gay xp it caught on fire so now i rly have lost all the data
Well realy it was just a surface fire on one of the chips so if i can get a replacemnet board for the top of it hopefully i can get to the data.
I had my new comp on and had a light thing in my hand and the comp was on and by mistake it went into the big fan then came rite out and hit the HDD and it caught on fire! i was like WTF!!! i had my headphones on and i didnt think to turn the power off for a few seconds! omfg etc
i sure never thought that could or would happen! so i say its not my fault for trying to position a light into the comp while the comp was on (i pluged it in first)
lolz etc