I find myself slowing down the AI to be able to have it beatable.
Not even the best player can keep up with the perfect AI, since the AI could start building new units the moment the SF/VF becomes available. Same goes for research. A human takes time to click (even the fastest amoungh you!)
So .. i'll just have to let it run a couple more times to see how it does its thing.
I'm getting very close to the general AI. All i need now is a tub/wall routing algorythm (i believe hacker made one), and a way to determine suitable buildingspots. OP2 already has a way to find out which location is nearest.
I'm pretty sure, the code i have so far is already more advanced then
any AI code ever written for Outpost2. In fact the original code by Dynamix isn't much of an AI.
My progress today:
Rewritten the rest of the building placement code. I am not using the original code anymore, as supplied by the SDK, but my own routines. They are more elaborate, BUT they can do a lot more!
I even have the AI earthworkers build tubes as needed. This eliminates the cosmetic problem of tubes laying open for 100's of timemarks before they are actually needed (if ever).
PS: it runs beyond mark 600 without any problems. And i think it's pretty unbeatable by now