I remember reading a while back about a game scheduler...
Well I finally got the motivation to work on it. Right now it is still in development but is fully functional as far as the calendar and gamelist goes.
The rest(including the forums and comment posting) is being worked on.
I've given Leviathan the current release so hopefully he'll get it up on the site soon...
But in the meantime I've grabbed a bit of webspace so you all can check it out and offer ideas and such.
GameNexusyou can use the username RockNavator with the password r
My plans for the future of GameNexus are:
Integrate a ladder system
Add a tournament bit(possibly based on ladder ranks...)
As a last remark I'd like to solicite any ideas for a name... GameNexus is just on of a few that have already been submitted so lemme know if you have an idea.