Author Topic: Newb Help Ideas  (Read 2725 times)

Offline Mez

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Newb Help Ideas
« on: April 17, 2005, 03:05:45 PM »
I noticed that the #outpost.noob channel isn't getting used very much at all.

I propose that a set of links very clearly marked (with bright flashy lights) should launch IBirc or sumthing similar directly to the .noob channel.

Then set the .noob chan topic to say: Newb to op2 plz type hello etc. (or another specific command)

You could then hav opu|bot to realy a message to the main chan or ops or wat eva saying "noob in noob channel" - just to alert ppl.

Then hopefully someone will be able to set them up and sort them out, without confuisign everyone and the noob in the main channel.

This wud prolly help  as im bored of trying to read my conv over another op trying to sort out router probs etc blah vlah problem whilst im havin a conversation or when im trying to help a newb and the other conversations / other ppls suggestions get in the way and confuse me let alone the noob.

What do yuo think?
Any more suggestions/ ideas?

Hacker is it possible to ste the bot up like this? or wud it be easier not to bother as we dont have noobs that often (i.e. just rely on the .noob message windo flashing.

Offline Leviathan

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Newb Help Ideas
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2005, 04:04:18 AM »
The Bot can easily be setup to do anything like that.

I think they should be directed to a newbie guide page on the site.

Offline zigzagjoe

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Newb Help Ideas
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2005, 08:42:32 AM »
or we could do like in #UEGO, where if someone types !admin it apperntly pms them. Perhaps we could set up a similar system?

!noobalert, !help maybe?

Offline Leviathan

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Newb Help Ideas
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2005, 09:11:04 AM »
Yeah I would like to add some more commands to the bot, like !help, !links, !stats etc.  

Offline BlackBox

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Newb Help Ideas
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2005, 02:11:52 PM »
Yeah, it sounds like a good idea.

I was thinking of another idea, too.

If someone comes in, and their nick / hostname has never been seen by the bot, it could give them a one time message or notice to explain some newbie stuff to them.

Another thing I would like to do, I think PlayingOP suggested this, but I never got around to writing it: A tutorial system. If you've ever seen #Tutorial on Quakenet you'll know what I mean. Instead of just having irc generic tutorials, we could run a system like OP2 game tutorials, OP2 coding tutorials, etc.

Offline thablkpanda

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Newb Help Ideas
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2006, 09:14:50 AM »
Word hacker, I'm feeling that.

The #tutorial's system is kinda... bland IMO.. I dunno how to describe it.

It's a great idea though. I was coding a map a few hours ago (for my first time, for the 12th time) and I forgot that the hoovile SDK has a bad map name in it- I struggled with why I was getting a 'Failure to initialize game' error for about 30 minutes, till I asked Lev- that could tell me simply what the problem was.

That just goes to show that we need some system- to help with basic coding, nothing dramatic, or extreme, but simple and basic functions.
