Author Topic: Repair-ai  (Read 2381 times)

Offline Eddy-B

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« on: September 10, 2005, 03:50:33 PM »
These routines are working fine now.
I'm open to suggestions and updates/tests.
It uses the extended units structure (IUnit). Header and libraries available for download here (read also this post).

Please do not distribute any altered code, but run it by me first.

#include "RepairAI.h"
#include "OP2extra.h"
#include "IUnit.h"  // extended units

int Repairs[512][7];  // contains UnitIDs of convecs repairing those buildings
        // space for 512 buildings for each player
bool RepairGPs;

 SetupRepairAI(bool FixGPs)

 Call SetupRepairAI to set up the repair-AI.
 It will create a timer, and check ALL buildings for possible damage.
 (if FixGPs is set to false, GPs are NOT fixed. This was added because damaged GPs
  can explode when the convec is right next to it)

void SetupRepairAI(bool FixGPs)
   CreateTimeTrigger(1,0,500,"Repair_CheckDamage");   // check every 5 time-marks

 IsDockedWithSF(Unit convec)

 Checks if the specified convec is positioned on an SF docking pad.
 Docked convec will not be sent out for repairs.

bool IsDockedWithSF(Unit convec)
   Unit u;
   LOCATION loc=convec.Location();
   int dockpos=(Player[convec.OwnerID()].IsEden())?1:-2;

   if (LocationEnumerator(LOCATION(loc.x-dockpos,loc.y-1)).GetNext(u))
  return (u.GetType()==mapStructureFactory);
   else return false;

 FindConvec(LOCATION loc,int playernum)

 Finds the closest convec (owned by playernum).
 It looks only for convecs with a distance of 2^19 of the specified location
 (see wiki pages on how to calculate distance in OP2).

int FindConvec(LOCATION loc,int playernum)
   IUnit u;
   map_id cargo,weapon;
   ClosestEnumerator closest(loc);
   unsigned long d;

   while (closest.GetNext(u,d))        // get next closest IUnit
  if (d>>19) break;           // too far away -> stop loop!
  if (u.OwnerID()!=playernum) continue;    // not owned by this player

  // is it a RepairVehicle or ConVec, and available ?
  if (u.IsLive() && !u.IsBusy())
   switch (u.GetType())
    case mapConVec:
     if (IsDockedWithSF(u)) continue;   // is convec waiting for kit ?
     if (cargo==mapNone) return u.unitID;   // does it have cargo ?

    case mapRepairVehicle:
     return u.unitID;

   return 0;

 DoCheck(int playernum)

 This is the main routine for checking damages. It should be called for every AI player.
 The routine stores what convecs already have repairing orders, so it does not give them
 any new orders, overwriting the old ones. Vice versa: if the building is not yet 100%
 repaired before the next time this routine is called, it will not send another convec
 in to repair it.

 It repairs any buildings that have more than 100 points damage to them, excluding
 buildings that are currently being constructed or dismantled. This DOES include buildings
 that are currently under attack.

void DoCheck(int playernum)
   IUnit u,convec;
   int i=mapCommonOreMine-1,id;

   while (++i<=mapTokamak)
  if (!RepairGPs && (i==mapGuardPost))    // do not repair GPs

  PlayerBuildingEnum enum1(playernum,(map_id)i);
  while (enum1.GetNext(u))        // browse all buildings
   if (u.GetDamage()>100)        // find one that is damaged
    if (u.IsVehicle()) continue;     // only buildings !
    if (u.IsLive()) switch (u.GetBusy())
     case ctMoDevelop:        // is being constructed ?
     case ctMoUnDevelop:       // is being dismantled ?
     case ctMoDismantle:
      continue;         // don't repair

      if (id>0)
       if ((convec.GetBusy()==ctMoRepairObj) && convec.IsLive() && (convec.GetType()==mapConVec))
        continue;      // building alreading being repaired
       else Repairs[u.unitID][playernum]=0;

      id=FindConvec(u.Location(),playernum);   // get closest convec
      if (id>0)
       Repairs[u.unitID][playernum]=id;   // remember which convec is repairing this building
   else Repairs[u.unitID][playernum]=0;


 Main trigger response function is called every 5 time-marks, and loops through all AI players,
 calling DoCheck for every player.

EXPORT void Repair_CheckDamage()
   for (int i=0; i<TethysGame::NoPlayers(); ++i)
  if (!Player.IsHuman())

// RepairAI
// SetupRepairAI:
//  Calls CheckDamage every 5 gameticks to check for damaged buildings
//  and have convecsc repair them.

#ifndef REPAIRAI_H
#define REPAIRAI_H

void SetupRepairAI(bool FixGPs=false);

#endif   // REPAIRAI_H

PS: sorry about the paste - the tabs don't work out that well in forum.. i'll upload the files in a minute
« Last Edit: September 10, 2005, 04:09:14 PM by Eddy-B »
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
Rule #2: If you think he's wrong, see rule #1

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Offline zigzagjoe

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« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2005, 04:22:29 PM »
try a code tag
Code: [Select]
like this

Offline Eddy-B

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« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2005, 04:58:28 AM »
i used quote becoz it creates a nice 'box' around the code area. And the [ code ] tag doesn't really work well anyway (plus has the same TAB-problem).

PS: when i said "suggestions" i meant to the CPP .. not this post by itself :P
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
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Offline xamlit

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« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2005, 03:47:42 PM »
Wow... Eddy... these routines are flipping sweet! Its totally awesome. Kudos!

Offline HaXtOr

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« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2005, 08:19:30 PM »
why is it that i cant use any of the command packet code? noones works for me ? !!!

Offline Eddy-B

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« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2005, 02:01:00 AM »
why is it that i cant use any of the command packet code? noones works for me ? !!!
did you get the IUnit library ?
Rule #1:  Eddy is always right
Rule #2: If you think he's wrong, see rule #1

Outpost : Renegades - - Electronics Pit[/siz