Author Topic: World Domination  (Read 9642 times)

Offline ultimataius

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« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2007, 02:32:17 PM »
if you need help, i have free time on my hands. I would love to see WD back up, as I have never played it. If you would like some help, drop me a line:  :D  (thumbsup)  
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Offline Brazilian Fan

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« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2007, 03:48:48 PM »
I could help too     (thumbsup)  

Offline Seal0486

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« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2007, 01:19:23 PM »
What do people think of this idea?

Each sector you can pick a few maps?

What maps you wanna play?

Who would try and play WD regulary?
Yea ill be interested to play Leviathan

Offline acid101

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« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2007, 07:31:21 AM »
i was here when it was up for a little while and i thought it was great... i remember being on the blue team  (thumbsup)  ;p  

Offline Quantum

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« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2007, 11:30:46 AM »
How do I get in on it
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Offline Highlander

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« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2007, 04:33:49 PM »
I'd suggest we start it up again, but make some more factions. If we base it on a 3 man team per group. Each group select a "homebase" map, and start to play from there. Each match can then be played in the range of 3 vs 3 down to 1 vs 1.. teams would agree to the match setup etc..

Would perhaps do to settle some basic rules for the thing though ?
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Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2007, 05:28:23 PM »

How about this for a map?  Just superimpose ontop of a background of New Terra.   Not all maps have to be different.   Middle would be probobly Pie Chart.

Each team would effectively have a team "captain" and would decide which "sector" to attack first.   The circle's color would represent who currently controlled it.   So rather then have to win the same map 10x over (which I thought was kinda weird) its a one move win, but theres more variety.    The brown colored sectors represent areas where a "special" objective is added on to win (doesn't matter who controls it).   For example, it could be win the game in x amount of marks, or have x amount of ore at end of game.   The two grey sectors are especially valuable, as they provide some sort of special for the team that controls it.   Say they get to start with 1 level higher resources then the other team(basically, one team starts at med, other at high), or they get to choose the settings (such as day/night, disasters, morale on/off, starting vecs, overall resource settings).   You can only attack from sector to sector, as dictated by the lines.
Another possible rule... if the other team cannot field at least one player for the sector, they automatically forfit the match.   (It is always preschedualed by at least a week, and a team can never have more then 3 players in a match)
Additionally, team commanders get to choose which sector their team will fight for next.   If the commander cannot pick a sector to attack by the start date, one is automatically chosen for them at random.   Basically would be turn based.

Also...  Is it really a necro if its the only post in the forum thats shown as recent?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 05:33:10 PM by Baikon »
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Offline Freeza-CII

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« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2007, 06:39:40 PM »
That looks great Tellaris.  Big maps on the outer and smaller as they get closer to the center.  That way people can have there long games and the pie super rush.

But what are the brown ones?

And this tread is not necro none of them really are its just some people have a stick up there ass and need a good beating.  If we didnt want people to post to old threads they would be put in the archive or just locked.  So ever one can now shut up about the necro of threads.

Offline Highlander

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« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2007, 10:15:10 AM »
Excellent Tellaris!


Might start a different thread with suggestions to fill this out ? get more ideas etc..
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Offline CK9

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« Reply #34 on: August 24, 2007, 11:40:20 AM »
How about we use Tellaris' layout as a new tournament?  World Domination's rules aren't quite right for more than 2 teams, as it sets the colors each team has to use.

Up for coming up with a name for it Tellaris?
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Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2007, 01:55:05 PM »
Well im glad to see intrest in this yet again. I think it would be best if we can come up with someone thing everyone is happy on and get it up and running again.

I dont like the idea of one team stating with med and the other with high. I see where your coming from but it dosent seam fair to me. Say if your defending the grey sector and the rules are the defenders get high and the attacking team get med res if the defenders are a strong team its likely they will never lose power of the sector. Never-ending stale mate. Not good. Also not all maps have high/med/low coded into them.

I like the idea of forceing players to do Space Race, Midas etc and not just making it all LoS even tho realy thats what its about, battleing to win.

The reason we set a map for each sector was to make it seam as if the whole map is over a world or large area and when you are playing in one sector that area of the world is very flat, so you have to play flood plain etc.

I agree we shouldnt limit it to one map or game type for a area tho.

The idea is a sector is not one map, it is a large area so it takes more than one game to take it for your team but I understand why you would want one win and take the sector type thing. It would keep the map moving quickly.

What do you mean by turn based? We cant have it so a active team has to wait for another team to play again before they can play.

10 games was too much maybe for complete control of a sector but I think just one is just too little. If you have 20 sectors then thats just 20 win's and the round is over. It should last for a few weeks at least.

Also what do people want to see? A ladder, a world dommination style game or both? Personaly I think a 1v1 ladder is very good to have and is good for people who want to play a lot and get their rank up and show that they are the best etc. But I know that WD would apeal to a lot of people and would be fun, its better to play for something than just a win or ladder rank.

Offline CK9

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« Reply #36 on: August 28, 2007, 02:51:47 PM »
Well, personally I'd like to see a 3 or 4 team competition.  There is a piece of the entire "game board" for every map we CURRENTLY have (no adding maps that have just been released while playing!).  It would take only 3 games to take control of a sector (best 2 out of 3) that is designated as a land rush or a LoS game.  Space Race sections would be taken by 1 game, while midas and resource races would be determined by 5 (best 3 of 5).  No team is required to use specific colors in game (that rule really turned me off to World Domination).

Now, some explanations:

1) Why "every map"?:
  This would require teams to come up with strategies.  They would need to figgure out who would fight for control of 2 and 3 player maps (4 player maps if all teams converge on it).  On 4 and 6 player maps, they would need to learn how to work together properly.

2) What about maps that have more than one mode?:
  Any map that has more than one game type it is coded for must be played at least once in each form.  Otherwise, a team that is best at LoS and a team that is best at SR might be fighting over one map several times over.

3) How about making it so people don't have to wait?:
  This is the beauty of using all the maps.  If you're the only one from your team online, you can go one on one against other teams to control the smaller maps.

....maybe I should save this for a tourney myself...naw, then I couldn't participate =p
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Offline Highlander

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« Reply #37 on: August 29, 2007, 04:17:41 AM »
Not reading all the posts since my last entry here but:

Instead of med/high resources, defending teams could perhaps be allowed a lower BM than the invading team bm 50 vs 80 etc ?
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Offline Tellaris

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« Reply #38 on: August 29, 2007, 10:48:49 PM »
Of course what I posted is merely suggestive of what we could do, I've not fully thought out much of this (and I have a lot more on my mind atm), so it will need work.
The brown circles where to mark maps (or areas) with special settings instead of the usual LOS/LR setup.
An idea occurs.   For Home Base fights:
IF a team loses its home base, it is out of the fight.   All their sectors become under the control of their conquerer.   However, the teams players are distributed amoungst all the teams.    Team captains pick those who wish to stay in the fight.    You must start with the WEAKEST known players, and work up to the strongest.   The conquerer gets to pick first.   Only players that wish to continue may be chosen.
Teams get to choose which maps they fight on for their home base, and what their settings will be.   This is the only case that is decided by the team's own whim, there is no specific way to do this.   Maps MUST be chosen before the game starts, however.   They can choose 2 of any gametype, and 1 of any map for each type.   The maps do NOT have to be different.   The defender must lose both to be considered defeated.   Not ALL maps are a valid choice, however.   Specificly, Capture the Flag, and Swarm style maps are excluded.
The map layout can be however its needed to be, I made it in an attempt to promote strategy to it rather then "Team 1 decides to attack here while team 2 decides to attack here 10 times."   I thought that was quite boreing.
Player colors do not have to be fixed.   Team colors really only exist specifically for the purpose of visually observing the diagram above.
The idea is designed also to allow more then just the common 1v1 play.   Any team setup is viable, so long as all players agree to it, and any map specified allows it.   So, even if a team wants to, they coud play a 1v5. (Theoretically)   I don't want to have specific team sizes forced.   Just the players must agree to it.   By allowing 2v2s and such, this allows more variety to the game.   Some of the maps SHOULD be static.   Not all of them have to be though.
I understand what you where trying to do, Lev, but it just seems interest in that particular form of WD was low.   Perhaps something new will take a little better.   Never hurts to try something new, hmm?
And yea, turning it is unnecessary.   Just let the players decide on a whim what map they want to fight for.   All the team really needs to decide is their home base maps and settings.
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Offline 7842303

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« Reply #39 on: October 13, 2007, 06:10:35 AM »
i think the white shold be only unit or light bace fights, grey double bace battle, then it is a one bace vs units.  bace is defenders. all maps are at first just a single player land rush. mabey enemy pop on units from nearest enemy bace
« Last Edit: October 13, 2007, 06:14:34 AM by 7842303 »
onword to battle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Offline fallenangel

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« Reply #40 on: October 15, 2008, 09:51:08 PM »
It would be killer if world domination was up I would play it all the time!!
 (thumbsup)  :D  
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