(Heh, I wonder what Hacker and Eddy thinks of me here ... err, actually, maybe I don't want to know )
.. errr... what did I do ?!

Thanx for the support, panda!
anyway: a new project is nice -but as i can confirm myself: when doing a project ALL by yourself, it hardly EVER gets fnished. It might get close, even playable ... but finished: no.
I have 2 unfinished projects myself... somewhere... on cd or HD. One of them is still kind of an 'open' project that i been working on, on and off for since i think 2002 or so.
A "community" project has a better chance of survival, but also needs a helluva lot of communicating and working together as panda put it so nicely. Next to a few (yes: more than 1) experienced coders, a lot more people are needed for such a project, as i have attracted for my Renegades project, that started out as an almost solo-project, and now having a handful of people actively working on it; not just on coding, but on graphics design etc.
So: i believe the first step would be to compile a list of skills we need (eg. coder, mapper, gfx artist...) and put names next to it, as to who wants to work on it. This could be done on the wiki, so anyone can add oneself (sorry, if this exists already, as i didn't check it yet).
Next step would be to construct sort of a story-book outine what we want to do, and describe it as clearly and detailed as possible. Then have people start working on it, keeping in mind everything must *fit* together, as i posted b4.
Good luck to us all! {this could take years to finish}