Author Topic: Quakenet Bot  (Read 3607 times)

Offline Leviathan

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Quakenet Bot
« on: May 23, 2005, 06:17:49 PM »
Get your QuakeNet bot account ! :D

To become a member of OPU you must be regesterd on the forums and also have the voice (+) status on IRC. So to do this we need to add you to the OPU Bot auto voice, but were only do this once you have a QuakeNet bot account. The main QuakeNet bot is Q, there are others like L (which is in our channels). Anyway to start off type this:
Code: [Select]
/msg Q hello <email> <email>
Where email is your email, the email you give your infomation will be send to. Your Q username will be your current nick name, and you may get an error that your cant use the current nick, change your nick to something with basic chars, like OPULev. Then retype the command to Q.

In your email your get a command to type to auth with the Q bot. This must be used everytime you log on to QuakeNet. It looks like this:
Code: [Select]
/msg AUTH <username> <password>
Once you are authed you can hide and change your hostmask, this is what is showed after your nick. This is called mode +x. It makes it so your host will show We will add you to the bot once your host is like this. The command is
Code: [Select]
/mode <nick> +x
You can only do this once you are authed.

Anyway, using NoName Script this is easy to auto do when you connect. Once you have your Q account goto NoNameScript > Setup > Auth settings > Q (Qnet). Here you can enter your Q username (show as Nickname on the window) and your Q password. Under Q settings make sure you tick the box for Hide hostmask.

If your not using NoName Script, because your using another script (If your using no script and just mIRC, get NNS from our page) you can set auth and hide hostmask on connect by going to Tools > Options, press Perform, tick Enable perform on connect. select the QuakeNet network and add the auth and +x commands to the box: (Perform is commands ran on network connect)
Code: [Select]
/msg AUTH <username> <password>
/mode $me +x
/join #Outpost2

Once your setup to auth auto and auto hide host we can and will add you to the OPU Bot, just ask.

Offline Leviathan

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Quakenet Bot
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2005, 05:50:16 PM »
Just a note, dont type your email in the < > brackets.

Offline Wild_Targ

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Quakenet Bot
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2006, 03:06:13 PM »
This is a necro post
and I know it, and I don't care.

Now that we've got that out of the way...

The Security FAQ seems to have certain advice on script-authing Q.

Just FYI.

Your friendly neighborhood Targ.
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