In case people are mad at ME or something (th300 mentioned something to me), I am not spamming the freaking Genesis forum just to get ore! I'm helping to keep it alive by talking with the community about ideas and whatnot. And the Homework thing, Why does that matter anyway, it was only like 3 shouts, Leeor, then me, then Leeor.
I Don't like the idea of short posts not counting, Many times it just takes a small post to get the point across. Why yell at us for doing our part in the community... taking part in a Community project!?
(Yes this post might seem a little offencive, but I was a little offended by some things that were talked about; It's nothing personal.)
Also, I do NOT think it is ok to 'ban' someone from OPU... Warnings are fine, but actually BANNING them from IRC, OP2, The forums, the Wiki, any and all project work is a bit harsh. How about a suspension! I think that a complete and never-ending ban is a bit harsh (even if it isn't a never ending ban, You shouldn't ban them from IRC unless they are being a total N00b. Just talk to the offender and WORK it out. Things like this make me mad, Where people go out and attack other people just because of a few posts or shouts.
About Levi not liking the Shoutbox:
1. It allows us to communicate to people who just arrived here, not about to get on IRC and whatnot.
2. If someone is banned from IRC or something (like the g-line problem we had) The shoutbox is the best method to getting the message across
3. If someone like Creator is trying to get and check on OPU, How can we communicate to HIM if he cant use IRC/Forums!!
(It's not that I don't like you Sirbomber, It's just that I don't agree with some of this, You're a great person! (thumbsup) )
Stormy :op2:
As I stated above, it's nothing personal