Is the nature of OP2's coding that everything really must be spelled out, from structure locations to construction of each vehicle?
Or is there some kind of 'standardized' (or standard-iz-able

) AI someone has already made that could be implemented into several mp maps? For example, depending on difficulty, the CPU would just progress at one of a few speeds and send out random numbers of attack vehicles at random times to enemy locations, possible high-yield ore locations, or other localized patrols?
Some games have different 'personalities' of AI, in OP2, this could mean an AI that likes to rush-attack, one that goes for advanced technology, guerilla-attack AI, one with colonization as top priority, one that is defense-oriented (focuses on walls and guard posts), etc, with each "personality" perhaps aligned to a different color. You get the idea.
Is this whole concept really impossible, because of the aforementioned OP2 code?
If not, what kind of "personalities" would people be interested in having?
-Luke :op2: