Many have been shocked by the data captured in the recent raid. Following the informations public release, there have been nothingbut denials from everyone.
As CK9 and philipu2001 were escaping from the RPG weapons room, they joined forces with the rest of ANEBA. Now every member had a THR. There were two more places to go.
Zircon, finding out about the secret place where his cheese was hidden, led a rescue party with the help of CK9 and Betaray, while martyn, Ezekel, xfir, and philpu2001 went on to steal and information from the forum, and blow it up.
The cheese recovery and the information raid was successful, and xfir set the detonator for 5 minutes, while everyone ran for their lives. Upon detonation, countless new-er-bies were killed, followed by posts claiming that this reporter is evil. Then, the information stolen was release to the public.
It turns out, Zircon's cheese was harassed in a rude manner by Killer, thus Killer's new nickname, "cheesy knife thrower." It turns out a bad exam was found. Also, an xfir voodo doll, and at this point, philipu2001 is a suspect. Also found, was a brainwashing machine, which was alledgedly built by new-er-bie, according to the analyzer of the data.
There are plenty more secrets released, such as the Betaray blow-up doll, and the CK9 CL-20 stash. However, to protect the reputation of this reporter, I will not further investigate these claims. Will ANEBA stay together?
---philipu2001 (PS I'm about to leave for a two day trip)