One of the things I like about OP2 is the DontKnow-factor

You are never sure the spot you picked will fulfill the expectations you had about it, if you have found a high-yield ore spot, the area might be crawling with vortexes and earthquakes, or you might be a sitting duck for your enemy while maybe some further there's a medium yield mining spot which has natural defences (cliffs) and is reasonably quiet...
Then I'd go for the medium yield, but you have to make choices, and you have to make them quick, and sometimes when you are in a hurry you pick the mine which has a route to it over a very seismic active area...
But also, who knows how far the lava will come, as Eden I most of the time can keep all my GeoThermal Power Plants, as they are almost on the edge of lava-soil and, errr.., other soil..
Battles between the same houses, eg a renegade general of plymouth has started an own colony and wants to bring the original plymouth down, this calls for new tactics as most (at least I am) players are used to fight plymouth with eden and vice versa, or maybe an eden AND a plymouth colony against the player...
Unit-only missions with specefic objectives and limited re-inforcements, find this, destroy that, run for this, capture that, etc...
Some storyline I thought of earlier :::Lights Out::
[You are Plymouth] Your colonies have been destroyed one by one, times are desperate and there's only one option left, and it depends on nature itself, you've been watching an Eden base in an area that houses many natural dangers, and your wait has paid off, the base has been struck by all kinds of disasters in a short period of time and is evacuating, though it's still defended by an emergency power system and a reasonable army, a convoy with most of the colonists and 2 ConVecs carrying a new ComCenter and a Structure Factory, some other vehicles under whom also a reasonable armed force are en route to a safer location...
That could be the storyline, now for the mission details :
- If you hadn't noticed, the goal is to capture the units from the convoy useful to Plymouth, when it's moving from A to B, you have to strike, take what you can, sneak away again and silently build up a base on the map, and later on destroy the eden force, ofcourse, the disaster-struck Eden colony revives after some time and even calls in reinforcements from smaller bases on the map, destroying/disabling these smaller bases' Command Centers and Vehicle Factories will stop their reinforcements.
- You start out with some Lynxes(Maybe 2 or 3 Panthers, and 1 Tiger), most EMP, some RPG/ESG/Microwave
(Maybe no ESG as that would damage the surrounding units too, and maybe no RPG because they might target the wrong vehicles and make the mission fail...)
- You have to intersect with the convoy, how its done best depends on the map, whether or not the player has much time to plan and whether or not there are extra patrols on the map, and maybe if seen by these hell breaks loose, if the player can get an advantage on a high platform or maybe a place to avoid where there are Eden guardposts etc...
- QUESTION : If you capture 2 Eden ConVecs with an Eden ComCenter and an Eden Structure Factory, and you let them build them, will they turn into Plymouth ComCenters/SF's ? It would be cool having a Plymouth Player having to use Eden Tech...
Whew, congratulation if you got this far
