Author Topic: Your Poetry  (Read 3434 times)

Offline alice

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« on: November 22, 2004, 04:45:38 PM »
If you wrote any poetry, post it here.  One poem per post.  um... Any style (post the type if it's something like haiku)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 11:29:33 PM by gpgarrettboast »

Offline OP2Patriot

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« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2004, 11:57:37 PM »
Oh, on a similar topic, something I wrote several weeks ago:

The past shapes the present.
Every action taken,
Is the result of a past thought,
Perhaps only a fraction of a second ago.

The present is always ongoing.
The future is always ahead.
There is always a tomorrow.
There is always a yesterday.

What has happened shapes us.
It makes us who we are.
We observe and learn.
There are always pivotal events.

Everything effects us.
Events of small importance,
Can effect us greatly.
The big ones always effect us also.

Life is an ongoing journey.
Many choices to be made.
Many results to be found.
Many past events to recount.

What good can a record be?
It only says what has happened.
But it is what has happened,
That makes the present what it is.

Records are then of importance.
We can learn of past choices.
And see what consequences unfolded.
We can learn not to make the same follies.

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Offline CK9

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« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2004, 08:58:25 AM »
*scrambles around for the random sheets of paper*

before I post this, I have to give a little background on it.  Last year, a guy and his girl were about to leave the prom.  Both felt too tired to drive, so the called their parents to ask if they could rent a room (it was held at a hotel).  The girl's mother said no, thinkingthey would be doing more than sleeping.  On the way home, the guy fell asleep behind the wheel and they crashed.  He survived, she didn't.  When we got to school that monday, we heard the news and this came to mind out of nowhere.

(style: i have no idea)

You see her there
not knowing why
these tears must come now.
Time is just lost
a fortune's mistake
and darkness is growing deeper.
The gauntlet has been run
proving yourself is  done
yet how can you live with yourself?
It shouldn't have been
nothing has meaning
you ask yourself, "why her and not me?"
Death hour is here
a cold hand has come
and you could have prevented it all.
Drink deep of sorrow
reading the poetry of despair
and the spirit is no longer within.
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline Nomi Sunrider

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« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2004, 02:57:16 AM »
Here's an older one I wrote in free verse.  It was done partially with Lord of the rings in mind, but partially with something else...:

Through Thick and Thin
March 19, 2003

I set out on this pilgrimage
Not knowing
The end,
Never expecting joy, peace
Or even

I had made a promise;
One that I could never
For there is more at stake than
My happiness,
My life.

If I do not
Serve faithfully, others
May perish.

So I will stick to Master through thick
And thin.

Even when rejected, I will faithful be.

I may not be bright,
Or quick,
Or strong,
But I know a love without conditions.

And so,
I press on, not knowing the end.
One foot
The other,
Ever by my master's side,
Always with the goal ahead.

Ever will I faithful be.
There are other forces at work in this world... besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, in which case you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought. ~Gandalf

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Offline Ex Death

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« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2004, 05:13:48 PM »

Hope,While Just a Four letter Word,Has survived Many Generations
With one meaning,Humanity has Hope for a new Life or something Simular after Death,an afterlife if you will, There's one for good people called Heaven, In Witch If you Follow the Bible of your Choosen Religon, you will live there in Eternal Bliss, But the other For the other Half, Its called Hell,all the People that Don't follow the Commands of there maker go there, you will Suffer Eternal Torment,and you will be there forever, There is no Place for the "Inbetween" There is no Clearly seen line that says your Neither good nor bad, your one or the other, Good or Bad,Heavenly or UnHoly,With hope People are Given Freedom's of Many types like, If you do somthing bad, you have"Hope" that you will Still make it into Heaven and Not go to Hell

Fate & Destiny

Fate is the Predetermined Course we all travel, Destiny is the Interchangeable path we all Traverse,Changing our Destiny is Natural while Changing our fate is Legendary.


Fate has a way of Total Reversal of a person's outlook of life,Yet,to Show it a person must be blind in the minds eye, as well as the Heart

Anthem of a Lost Cause

Zeon,Forgotten in the sands of time,yet Revived with a new name and Cause,Its old Cause forgotten,Still Wandering trough the Valleys of the Forgotten,The new Cause isn't For Freedom but Vengance for an Act of Terrorism,Blamed or Ment for them is Unknown, But this is Known,We Fight for what we Belive in,We Cherished our Time under the Flag of a Flase Leader,but time passed and the True Leader was Reborn, Now we fight for our Lives, Yet at the same time our Humanity. Zeig Zeon, May the Burning Flame of Neo Zeon never Grow Dim and loose its light, Or its way.

The unholy Four

Horsemen of Apokalypse,A name that Stirs Fear into the Hearts of man,Four Unholy Riders,Each with a Curse,Fated to Help Bring The end of the World,There is no Hope or Prayer to keep them from there job,There Job is Destruction,to help Kickstart to end of days ,Death,Pestulance,war,Famine is there names Each Destinied to Bury lives in there wake,anyone to Tries to Hide or Run will be Crushed into the Dirt as they Ride past,Many Lives will be lost,Fate will come and go for many,never to see the Light of Day again.


Change,one of the many Constants of the world,Over time everything changes,Whether it be Life or the Unliveing, Everything changed for the best or the worst,to many people Change is the worst enemy of Humanity Shapeing is into sometimes something were not,But Mortals like Human's Can't Stop Change, if you don't change you die,Its one of the many UnWritten Rules of the Universe,forever to be Obscure,Yet Visible at all times,Forceing everyone to Succumb to ever Changing Will of the Unknown God of Change.

Fated Begginings

Fated Beginning's are what bring us into this world,Never takeing only Bringing,No one knows why where Brought here,yet we all know what for,
To be apart of the Grand Experament called Life,at the end of our lives,We are Discarded,Unknown to where we'll may end up,but It will always be Known that our lives ment something,or we were something in the days leading up to the end.  
Fated endings

Fated endings are what we all Forsee,Everyone without Worries,Knowing in time We'll see What hand fate has Delt us,Whether it's Poor or just,Its up to him to Fortell,His Boney Finger's Reaching out for the last Heart beat you'll Feel, Time has Faded so Have you, For fate has Decided, Your End is here.

Chosen Few.

We are the Chosen few of the many of Lives not yet Taken,We are the many of Lives that hasn't been Forgotten,We are the People of a Nation who have Forgot there Beginnings,Lost in the Sands of time one may say,The Nation of Religous Freedom,Of Religious Security,all lost because Time has Flowed to fast for us to Catch up,Lives were lost,Blood was Shead in the name of "Freedom" Hundreds of Years ago,but now there Sheed because Someone is Being "Evil" or Unjust in the eyes of man,What about the Eyes of God,Always watching,Always Unfearing,Looking into the Hourglass of our Hearts,Watching the sands Run thin,Untill the Time has come,for the Chosen Few to become none.

Last of the Forgotten

We are the Last of the Forgotten,Many of our lives were lost,We were the Generation people Forgot about,As our Numbers Dwindle and slowly our fates are Sealed,We ask for ones Remembered to Carry our Hearts and our Spirt with them,Forward in life,But not into the Abyss with us,I am the last of the Forgotten,Forgotten about for many Generations but thanks to the next,we are Uncovered and not Fading away with the Sand of Time,Not forgotten anymore,My time is Short,The Last of the Forgotten is about to Vanish Forever,Untill the time for us to Rise again form the Darkness and Shine the Forgotten one's Glare into the Eyes of the Lost.

Last Chance

We are all Given many Chances in life,Most Minor,Some life Changing,after most has passed we Forget about them and Contenue on,Never wondering when that last Chance will be Given to us,MOst Notice it Right away,like when People are in Dire Straights,Near Death,What if by a "Miricale" Someone Survives something That has ended Thousands of lives before it,Will they do as Many has done Before them and Change there ways and Mend what they have broken,Or will it be Forgotten in a River of thoughts and actions,To be Dredge up later When the Final Chance is Shown and they Fall,Because they Picked the Wrong Path and there Destiny was Decided.


Screw life, Screw Friends, Into darkness I Decend,Into Darkness i Decend we all Begin,Fate and Destiny, Intertwined then Unwoven to Reveal a picture of our lives

Poet's Great Dream

Poet of a Failed Tommorrow,Poet of lost Dreams,After seeing the Broken Future And Fated to Relive it,The poet fight's to change it, Unknown if his path is Truth or Flase,Through Dual Meannings and interpritaions,His words are the Strongest Weapon's,there Forged from the Purest of Heart,The Poet of a Failed tommorrow,Trying to forge the Greatest Dream of all,a Future for many,a lost Dream no more.


Shattered Reality,Broken Hearts... Forever to try and Mend themSelves,Is it love or is it a Dream,Humans try and Find out the Truth,Always Seeking,Sometimes Truly mending,But what its worth, the Damage was done,Can Old Love Mend the Shattered Heart to its Former Glory or will it Wither away for the Next love to Come by and make the Heart anew... Love,the Best thing to hold on too,Hard to keep,Even Harder to let go,But if you Trust on another this Reality will never come to pass.

Outpost of the Damned

Many people live one day at a time forever to be a the Whims of Fate,Other's Forge there own path through the Abyss and Find them Selves at a Cross Road,Most travel toward the place of Fear and Distrust an Outpost of the Damned before Death,and after life this outpost sits,It's Forever Watchfull of the people that Flows from the Abyssmal marshes of the Unknown,all lost there Humanity when they First Steped forth into the Blackish Sands of the land of the lost,Can one get out,Nay good sir,In this place God is lost and Chaos is King,your Soul has been lost forever to live in the Outpost of the Damned.

Draining Faith,Ever increasing Trust

Faith in someone,Something everyone has,After a While People's Faith in one another starts to Drain away after they've done something to Upset one another or One forgets about the other,but most people's Trust is SteadFast,Ever Increasing, toward the point where nothing can Break there Bond,It may Shake and Sutter but if the Conditions are right it will Weather the Strongest Storm and Through the Darkest Night.. Draining Faith,Ever Increasing Trust Forver to be in Equiliberium,Never to Sway.. Forever the Trust in one Shall Carry both of you past the Differences and your own Draining Faith... Into the Light of love.

Moment's that Change our Lives

We all live one Moment at a time,Forever to be at the Whims of Fate,There Small moments in time in our lives that will have a Drastic Effect on our Well being,Some are our last,Letting us Refect on what Could have been,While others are the very tip of the IceBurg,Not Life Changing or Life threatening,But Give the Person a Chance to Reflect Before our time Comes to an end,Will this Moment Change our lives or will we Contenue on Toward the Path that Gives us the Chance Turn over a new Leaf,But will that Moment Change our lives Is Unknown,Will you be Smart enough to Decide that time has Come or will be Be Blind to the True path to Take.

Winds of the Forgotten

Winds of the Forgotten,Seeing Through the Veil of Distrust,and into the ways of war one can only Imagine what Peace Would be like after many Years of war,Peace was Hard won,Many lives lost,Many other's a Shell of there Former Self,What happens when the Winds Blow again,Will you be Alone in the Winds of the Forgotten or will you Change your Destiny and Advert the Very thing Rushing Toward you, With Allies,Friends and Country men, as the Winds Die down again, Will you think Victoty,But its a Shallow one,The winds are Building up again.. Harder,Fiercer,Stronger than ever before.... The winds of the Forgotten,to Strong to Hold back... Pushing you back with every Breathe to take... Fight with your mind and Soul, Forever to be at the Mercy of the Winds

All. Copyright. John Sisk
Screw life, Screw friends
Into darkness, i decend

Into darkness, i decend
We all begin, Fate and destiny
intertwined then unwoven to
Reveal a picture that is our lives.

      Copyright John sisk 2003

Offline Ex Death

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« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2004, 11:16:42 AM »
Heh... Told you this would happen... Sorry for the Double post


Contradictions,Something that we Fear,Into our Hearts we look,Something that Shows How things Can contradict, Love to hate, Fear to Cherish,Our Hearts are the Guides us into others,Will our love show through the Darkness others sow,or will the Contradictions We Fear,Guide us Through the Blackish Night into what Makes love Flow From our Hearts and into others, I contradict Everyone's actions,Breaking Many laws of Reality,Throguh time and Space with this Message,Follow the Contradictions of the Heart,But Fear not Cherish,the Actions of others,The After effects of some are Life threatening,Some Heal the Soul to Tear it asunder with the Hate they Project,From there Heart to Yours, Changing your Day to night and your Heart to black, Forever Contradicting Your love to others and your actions of the Heart

Screw life, Screw friends
Into darkness, i decend

Into darkness, i decend
We all begin, Fate and destiny
intertwined then unwoven to
Reveal a picture that is our lives.

      Copyright John sisk 2003

Offline jesusfreak06

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« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2005, 12:12:43 PM »
I wish I could explain,
I want to tell you why
You won’t hear me complain,
You’ll never see me cry.

For if I would explain,
You would not understand,
Why I see Jesus in the rain,
Why I feel him hold my hand.

No one else will hear,
Why should I try to get you to?
I always get an unforgiving ear,
When I talk about the truth.

Life would be more fun,
If people would try to understand,
How Christ is the cause of the rising sun,
How he’ll hold your heart in his hand.
I am a dork! but hey, i'm a Christian dork.

Offline spirit1flyer

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« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2005, 09:05:59 AM »
Bloody a hills have they valiantly fought
As smoke from a’many canon covered the sky with its gloom
While men and women cast hardly a thought
At our poor boys all covered in doom
Shells showered them with death
Barely could they take a breath
Yet they fought senselessly on
As they mounted upon the bloody hill
They noticed the enemy had withdrawn
A cold chill on them instilled
For the enemy had reappeared
As they charged our men yelled “lets disappear”

Quickly they ran all but one
Who stood and yelled “lets fight on”!
All of the men were stunned
They turned back and the line was drawn
The enemy slowed and then they attacked
As the icy fingers of death fought back
"Until you stalk and overrun You can't devour anyone"

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Offline plymoth45

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« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2005, 01:39:04 PM »
Note: I wrote these long ago when i was feeling really down, 2 years ago I think. They are short but they are something. I also had quite little skills then as well dealing with the computer.

I feel alone,
With no one to talk to,
I feel alone,
Like i'm not wanted,
I feel alone,
I long to be loved,
I am alone.


I am the one that feels useless.
There is not much that I can do,
for i am not skilled in things,
that help with OP2,
except playing.

Offline CK9

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« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2005, 06:23:28 PM »
I sit in shadows watching you all,
your glances all passing by,
and it makes me wonder how it can be,
that people whish to be the same.

From my darkness I observe the actions,
people trying with all their might,
all without any real hope of success,
to look exactally like another person.

Oh the flaws in this society I see,
they seem a river of sadness,
as all happiness fails these people,
as redicule fills the air.

Please heed my advice,
lest you may fall under these pains,
stop trying to fit in and don't strive to be different,
just be yourself and ignore the others.
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2005, 07:51:07 PM »
... an old one from school. (Yes, we were all forced to write thses, and this was many many years ago.) Here's the most ridiculous one I could find.  :D

Freer Than a Bird

The roar of the jet is very loud
As I soar through the cloud
Faster, faster still I go
Through the clouds white as snow

Here I go, faster still
I won't crash into a window sill
Way up here
I have not that fear

Way down there is where I stare
Falling free without a care
I would need no lungs to play a flute
But I forgot my parachute

The air up here has low viscosity
For I have not yet reached terminal velocity
The ground begins to approach quite fast
I wish I could miss something so vast

Here I go, not making a sound
As I fall to the cold hard ground
Perhaps I could ease my fall
And escape as a broken doll

However, I would like to say
That is not my way
What I raelly meant
Was I would like to make a dent

Well wasn't that exciting
My finger nails I should be biting
Now I head for a bike rack
I'm not a bird... (thump, crack!)

Offline jesusfreak06

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« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2005, 11:48:58 PM »
oteh, this is a poem that i wrote after my mommy had passed away from cancer (btw, Boo boo is a nick name she had for me that she called me untill the day she died....) she passed away Oct 26, 2003 (my sophmore year in high skool, now i'm a junior):

“When I first Heard the News”

-When you first told me the news,
I could’ve dropped there and died.
My heart and head wanted to explode,
I wished so much for it to be a lie.
-When I first heard the news
I became scared like a child.
I had memories of you to comfort me…
I loved it when you smiled.
-When I first told the news,
I got hugs and sad replies.
But nothing could comfort me…
Not even well thought up lies.
-When I first got over the news
I realized how much I’ll miss you.
I knew I’d have much pain to come.
It was then I remembered you calling me Boo-Boo.
-When I first heard the news
I’ll never see you again
I thought “yes I will”
When we’re in together heaven.

I am a dork! but hey, i'm a Christian dork.