Author Topic: take this quiz  (Read 3590 times)

Offline CK9

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CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline CK9

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« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2004, 06:28:47 PM »
Wackiness: 104/100
Rationality: 122/100
Constructiveness: 104/100
Leadership: 104/100

:heh:  weird
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline Ben362

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« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2004, 09:52:55 PM »
Wackiness: 38/100
Rationality: 38/100
Constructiveness: 50/100
Leadership: 54/100

so im a Dictator!!!

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2004, 09:19:26 AM »
Wackiness: 110/100
Rationality: 130/100
Constructiveness: 118/100
Leadership: 112/100

You are a WRCL--Wacky Rational Constructive Leader. This makes you a Golden God.

You think fast and have a smart mouth, and you are a hoot to your friends and razorwire to your enemies. You hold a grudge like a brass ring. You crackle.

You may be a rock star.

Of the 11320 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 6.7 % are this type.

wow cool :P
« Last Edit: August 31, 2004, 09:20:16 AM by PlayingOutpost0-24 »
Great news for OP2 fans... OP3 in progress.
Official Site
Outpost 3: A New Power progress
OP3:NP Discussion

Progress in OP3:NP[/size][/font]
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Going slowly... Very slow.

Offline CK9

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« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2004, 10:58:18 PM »
lol, we are both in the same percentage PO
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline alice

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« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2004, 07:16:41 AM »
Wackiness: 40/100
Rationality: 56/100
Constructiveness: 50/100
Leadership: 36/100

You are a SRDF--Sober Rational Destructive Follower. This makes you a Fountain of Knowledge.

You are cool, analytical, intelligent and completely unfunny. Sometimes you slice through conversation with a cutting observation that causes silence and sidelong glances. You make a strong and lasting impression on everyone you meet, the quality of which depends more on their personality than yours.

You may feel persecuted, as you can become a target for fun. Still, you are focused enough on your work and secure enough in your abilities not to worry overly.

You are productive and invaluable to those you work for. You are loyal, steadfast, and conscientious. Your grooming is impeccable. You are in good shape.

You are kind of a tool, but you get things done. You are probably a week away from snapping.

Addendum, 2004/07/19: this fits me 99%, there is a slight inaccuracy however. We are not necessarily completely unfunny. If we have a sense of humor (I do) it surfaces on the occasion with well-timed, completely dry, very sarcastic, wit. - Chase

Of the 12350 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 7.5 % are this type.

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2004, 09:17:45 AM »
Hmm... ur close to mad genius, garrett :P
Mine is good but being anarchist wouldnt be bad either :D
Great news for OP2 fans... OP3 in progress.
Official Site
Outpost 3: A New Power progress
OP3:NP Discussion

Progress in OP3:NP[/size][/font]
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Going slowly... Very slow.

Offline Betaray

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« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2004, 08:24:26 PM »
dont have the time, I have to chace a bat out of my house lol
I am the nincompoop, I eat atomic bombs for breakfest, fusion bombs for lunch, and anti-matter bombs for dinner

I just hope they don't explode

Offline CK9

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« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2004, 08:28:28 PM »
lmao, lucky you
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline plymoth45

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« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2004, 03:26:06 PM »
Wackiness: 60/100
Rationality: 80/100
Constructiveness: 96/100
Leadership: 106/100

You are a WRCL--Wacky Rational Constructive Leader. This makes you a Golden God.

You think fast and have a smart mouth, and you are a hoot to your friends and razorwire to your enemies. You hold a grudge like a brass ring. You crackle.

Although you have a leader's personality, you often choose not to lead, as leaders stray too far from their audience. You probably weren't very popular in high school--the joke's on them!

You may be a rock star.

Of the 25127 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 6.8 % are this type.

woa, PO and i got the same thing, wierd :blink:

Offline Duo

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« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2004, 03:42:31 PM »
Wackiness: 30/100
Rationality: 40/100
Constructiveness: 40/100
Leadership: 44/100

        You are a SEDF--Sober Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you a Evil Genius.

        You are extremely focused and difficult to distract from your tasks. With luck, you have learned to channel your energies into improving your intellect, rather than destroying the weak and unsuspecting.

        Your friends may find you remote and a hard nut to crack. Few of your peers know you very well--even those you have known a long time--because you have expert control of the face you put forth to the world. You prefer to observe, calculate, discern and decide. Your decisions are final, and your desire to be right is impenetrable.

        You are not to be messed with. You may explode.

        Of the 25139 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 14.1 % are this type.  


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« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2004, 05:51:33 PM »
Wackiness: 40/100
Rationality: 44/100
Constructiveness: 50/100
Leadership: 50/100

You are a SEDF--Sober Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you a Evil Genius.

You are extremely focused and difficult to distract from your tasks. With luck, you have learned to channel your energies into improving your intellect, rather than destroying the weak and unsuspecting.

Your friends may find you remote and a hard nut to crack. Few of your peers know you very well--even those you have known a long time--because you have expert control of the face you put forth to the world. You prefer to observe, calculate, discern and decide. Your decisions are final, and your desire to be right is impenetrable.

You are not to be messed with. You may explode.

Of the 25215 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 14.1 % are this type.  

Offline Saibot

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« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2004, 05:58:40 PM »
Wackiness: 28/100
      Rationality: 52/100
      Constructiveness: 40/100
      Leadership: 34/100


You are a SEDF--Sober
Follower. This makes you a Evil Genius. You are
extremely focused and difficult to distract
from your tasks. With luck, you have learned
to channel your energies into improving your
intellect, rather than destroying the weak
and unsuspecting.
                     Your friends may find you remote and a
hard nut to crack. Few of your peers know you
very well--even those you have known a long
time--because you have expert control of the
face you put forth to the world. You prefer
to observe, calculate, discern and decide.
Your decisions are final, and your desire to
be right is impenetrable.
                     You are not to be messed with. You may
explode. Of the 25232 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 14.1 % are this type.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2004, 06:00:13 PM by Saibot »
"Like a plane that has reached its highest point, only to fall back down to the earth;
111111111*111111111=12345678987654321" -Saibot 'haphazardly';

Offline plymoth45

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« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2004, 09:50:28 PM »
lol, 3 Evil Geniuses

Offline CK9

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« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2004, 09:54:18 PM »
so that's the connection...
CK9 in outpost
Iamck in runescape (yes, I still play...sometimes...)
srentiln in minecraft (I like legos, and I like computer was only a matter of time...) and youtube...
xdarkinsidex on deviantart

yup, I have too many screen names

Offline jesusfreak06

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« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2004, 12:06:32 PM »
this is a family test... my fosters r funny

Your score as a human being is 67.

This makes you like The Connors (as in Roseanne, not Sarah).

The best thing about your family is the way they pull together in times of crisis. The worst thing is the way they tear each other down in times of peace. If you weren't insulting and harrassing your brothers and sisters -- and getting insulted and harrassed by your parents -- you'd feel adrift in a sea of ennui, complacence and self-esteem. Actually, you have a pretty good opinion of yourself from knowing what you've come from and gone through.

Not too bad. And John Goodman is cool.

these tests r wacked
I am a dork! but hey, i'm a Christian dork.