Author Topic: Miissing Media  (Read 2688 times)

Offline Starfox00000

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Miissing Media
« on: August 08, 2004, 01:11:06 AM »
i downloaded the op2 reunionfile (the second pack) and now music dosent play, the intro dosent play and if u beat a mission (e.x. a campaign) no movie plays. i have my orignal cd and i had music until i downloaded the files. has any one else noticed this/can any one help?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2004, 12:17:27 AM by Leviathan »

Offline Hooman

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Miissing Media
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2004, 02:10:04 AM »
Yeah, I'm noticing a lack of music now too. What exactly has been done to the game files this time? I noticed the exe and a few (nonlevel) dlls were in the pack.

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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Miissing Media
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2004, 05:56:56 AM »
Lol, the file updates OP2.exe to No-Cd version
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Offline Starfox00000

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Miissing Media
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2004, 10:43:37 PM »
ok, can we copy in the old exicutable and still be able to play online with other ppl online?

Offline Leviathan

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« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2004, 12:11:36 AM »
Ok sorry about this.
We will have to address this problem, i think it can be fixed.

In the update it has a :op2: Outpost2.exe which has an updated game version (1.3.0), it also has a no-cd crack and it also has a window loader built it, meaning OP2 will run in either 32bit or 16bit.

If you try to play with ur normal Outpost2.exe online u cant because of the update.

If you had downloaded the game off our site and then applyed this patch you would not have noticed. Same with the movies, our download of the game dosent include them so this exe dosent play them. I suggest you decompress the OP2 music from the CD so u can play it when evea you like, in game or otherwise.

If you are reading this and do not have the OPU2 update get it here.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2004, 12:19:02 AM by Leviathan »

Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2004, 01:17:16 PM »
I'm extremely sorry about this. I was going on vacation (all this week, just had to come back to get stuff from our house!) and didn't consider this cause I was in a rush. As soon as I get back (6 days) I'll change this so you can still use the music/movies from the CD.

For the time being, you can copy op2.clm and all the .wav and .avi files from the cd's outpost2\ folder to your OP2 folder if you still want to have them (this is actually better because it doesn't have to use the CD = less lag!)

Offline PlayingOutpost0-24

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Miissing Media
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2004, 07:18:05 AM »
And you can spare hacker a little time this way... lol
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Offline BlackBox

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« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2004, 09:58:16 AM »
I probably won't be able to get to this any time soon, because we have other OP2 stuff "in the fire" that we haven't finished (this includes new maps, op2sock, and a whole lot of other crap).

For those who don't want to copy their music/video files over:
I would suggest installing two copies of OP2: one from the CD for single player (use minimal install if hard drive space is low, it only takes 15 mb or so), and our download version for multiplayer (you shouldn't be using music in multiplayer anyway, because it makes the game lag). The two versions won't cause problems with each other.

Offline Hooman

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« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2004, 05:07:06 PM »
I've got a patch for this. Turns out something I wrote months ago will work. I basically removed the dialog box that prompts for the CD.

The Story:
I got tired of having the OP2 CD in my drive (which was there for months) and reving up the drive everytime I opened explorer which froze the computer for a few seconds. Also, I wanted to put the second battery back into my laptop. I also didn't much want to run the no-cd crack since I already had a CD and because I didn't much trust running exe's from off the net (I was still new here). Anyways, I ended up writing my own no-cd patch. I just got off my lazy behind and booted up the laptop (which still had my patch on the exe) and tested it out. It works. You can either use the music from off the CD or copy it to the hard drive, or just plain play without music or a CD. It only uses it if it's there.

Anyways, I didn't really want to release it since I didn't really want to be responsible for people pirating the game. Besides, people don't really need two patches out. But, since all the updates are coming out for the cracked version, thus forcing people to use that copy for multiplayer, I figured it shouldn't ruin music for people who actually own a CD. I'll speak to Hacker about changing the no-cd part in the next update.

Offline Arklon

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« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2004, 02:59:47 PM »
It has a no-CD crack. So, it won't do anything from the CD. You could try copying the clm from the CD to the OP2 folder.