I do not see why people waste their time in this debate about weather God exists or not, it is a debate that has been raging for 2000 years, and you guys think that it can be rectafied in a offtopic forum?
no, human brains are unable to comprehend the etherial state, no matter what we do, we will never understand any of it, it is physically impossible
if you say you do, you eather made it up, or had somone else that made it up brainwash you
this is why I hate talking about this subject, the blaitent ignorence of the people discussing it, they preach about somthing they have no understanding about, I mean for all we know the bible could have been an entertainment novel!!!
We have the ability to think logicly, and to question other peoples and our own thoughts, if there is a God, he gave us that ability, or allowd us to aquire that ability

people blidly follow the people who preach this, never questioning the trueness of it, never thinking it through and comming up with their own thoughts on the subject
thats the thing that makes religion differ from other things weve been taught, for some reason people just accept it, they dont try to improve it, or change it, they think the same way that people thought back in the dark ages, and that stagnation of human thought discusts me, and it should you
I think religion has taken much too much of a role in peoples lives, for one it serves no purpose, if there is a God in infonate love, infonate compassion, infonate patiance, do you really think he would punish you with the same sentence as he would somone who committed murder? if he does, he does not deserve to be God
another reason I stated above, it is impossible to comprehend, everything people have been arguing about is eathor scientific fact, or pure speculation, you cant base and argument on speculation, no matter how long its been around, or how many people beleave it, it wont hold up to cold hard fact
and the thing about evolution being a random prosses, in the beginning mabe, but after life began evolution became a branched linner process
to go back to my ice age argument, do you really think that the anamals evolved randomly? heck no, if that happoed we would still be wating for a type of anamal to survive it, or evolution happonds in a fairly logical process, the weather gets colder, so the DNA changes so that the hair follicles grow longer thicker hair, or the fat under the skin increases
life evolves to benafit life, no other reason, it changes or it dies, it learns, for DNA it may take hundreds mabe thousands of genarations, each differing from the other by a very small margin, but eventually it gets done
take the garaff for example, for each genaration of garaff the neck lenghens on average 1/4 of an inch, in order for them to reach ever higher leaves
the flounder, both eyes are on one side of its head, yet when it is born its eyes are on both sides of its head, and one of them slowlymigrates to the other side, why would it do that if it was origionally created this way? it has been long known that anamals in their fetal state show the same carictersitics as anamals of lower biologoical complexity
for example human, and in fact every vertabre in the fetal state, wether in an egg or in a utirus, has gill slits
of corse you might say "well what if God wanted them that way?" another speculation, and this time a speculation on the phycoligy of God, wich of corse is impossible
and thus you can see that that argument holds no water, nor does any other argument based on the Bible like I said, it might be fiction, what would stop it from being so? the only thing that people have linked it to fact was that they have found citys that it described, they say that because it describes those citys that it must be true
well I know of alot of novels that describe modern-day citys in very good detail does that make them true, of corse not, so why would it validate the bible?
this is stuff I have never said before, because normally I dont like confilct, but I am hungry and thus pissed and thus dont give a crap on what anybody else says
this has been my :Betaray: :bump: