I just wanted to deliver some result on my work of the recent weeks.
My (original) plan was to create some sort of reimplementation of Outpost 2 and I noticed soon, that it might be a good idea to use the original data files of the game.
Some weeks after I started work on this, I noticed this forum and - well, some of the projects in here confirmed my suggestions I did until then. But as most developers seem to post only screenshots but no sourcecode, it doesn't take the community any further, I bet. Our wiki seems to be orphaned and there seems to be a lot of knowledge out there, but nobody cares. I wonder why its that way?
Nevertheless, as I am forced to focus on other tasks, I tried to write down at least my current state of knowledge. Most of you might not understand any of the text, as it is written in german - but probably there are some german-speakers in here as well, who are able and kind enough to translate. Beyond this, there are many tables and illustrations, so it might worth a look. I don't know how good Google might translate a technical document like this.
So, here it is: examined the volume file format, palettes, tilesets (wells), bitmaps and animation formats.
I still have several questions for things that are unclear to me:If you have any further information about the "unknown"-Fields or what the section after the animation data in op2_art.prt is used for, I would be happy to get information about that and add it to the article.
Also, I wonder, how the game does the assignment about which animations belong to which unit in game.
For example, Animation 0 to 7 belong to a robodozer, which is driving in different angles; way later, at 1665 till 1672, there are animations of a robodozer which is bulldozing some area. And for the explosion on destruction, there might be - i think - a generic animation like
Are such informations hardcoded, or is there some kind of mapping table anywhere?
Where does the game take the player colors from - beyond player 1?
And where are the

Santa Clause and

Coyote (well, it might be Dan's "Dog") are used, despite being eastereggs for game hackers?

And what unit is this:

- as it exists for both eden and plymouth. From what it looks like, i guess it might be something like a aerial unit - commandship or evacuation vehicle?
Probably I will provide an english version of the documentation as well (which might be included into the wiki) if I get some time for it (probably 2016? dont know), but I am not sure if a native english speaker wouldn't be better for that job.